

单词 statesman
statesman noun


politician ♦︎ MP ♦︎ senator ♦︎ Congressman/Congresswoman ♦︎ Representative ♦︎ lawmaker ♦︎ legislator ♦︎ Member of Parliament ♦︎ statesmanThese are all words for a person whose job is concerned with politics. 这些词均表示从政者。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the MP / Member of Parliament for an areathe senator / Congressman / Representative from an areaa great politician / senator / legislator / statesmana leading politician / senator / lawmaker / statesmanan influential politician / senator / Congressman / lawmakera local politician / MP / Congressman / lawmaker / Member of Parliamenta state senator / Representative / lawmaker / legislatora Conservative / Labour, etc. politician / MP / Member of Parliamenta Republican / Democratic, etc. senator / Congressman / Representative / lawmaker / legislatoran opposition politician / MP / lawmaker / legislator / Member of Parliamentto elect a politician / an MP / a senator / a Congressman / a Representative / a Member of Parliament politician [countable] a person whose job is concerned with politics, especially as an elected member of parliament, etc. 从政者(尤指议员)The affair led to the resignations of three leading politicians.这一事件导致三名重要的政治人物辞职。 MP [countable] the abbreviation for 'Member of Parliament' 议会议员(Member of Parliament的缩写)You should write to your MP about it.你应该给你们选区的议员写信反映这事。A number of back-bench MPs (= MPs who do not have senior positions) have expressed doubts about the bill.一些普通议员对这一法案提出质疑。MP is much more frequent than the full form, Member of Parliament, both in spoken and written English. * MP比全写Member of Parliament更常用,在口语和书面语中均如此。 senator ( Senator) / /ˈsenətə(r)/ / [countable] a member of a senate (= one of the two groups of elected politicians who make laws in some countries and most US states); used as a title (一些国家和美国大部分州的)参议员(亦用作头衔)He was elected senator for Pennsylvania in 2004.2004年他当选宾夕法尼亚州参议员。I would like to thank Senator Kelman for his warm welcome.我要感谢凯尔曼参议员的热情接待。 ˈCongressman ˈCongresswoman [countable] a member of Congress in the US, especially of the House of Representatives; used as a title (尤指美国众议院的)国会议员(亦用作头衔)Congressmen from energy-producing states have opposed the deal.生产能源的各州国会议员反对这项协议。Congresswoman Barbara Lee国会议员芭芭拉•李 Representative [countable] a member of the House of Representatives, the Lower House of the US Congress; a member of the House of Representatives in the lower house of a US state parliament (美国联邦和各州的)众议院议员He was elected state Representative in 1989.他于1989年当选州议员。Representative Harris众议院议员哈里斯 lawmaker / /ˈlɔːmeɪkə(r)/ / (especially NAmE, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) a person in government who makes the laws of a country or state 立法者State lawmakers have been arguing over the new healthcare reform bill for months.州立法部门几个月来一直在争论新医改法案。 legislator / /ˈledʒɪsleɪtə(r)/ / [countable] (formal) a lawmaker 立法委员Seven of the state's 90 legislators have been indicted.90位州立法委员中有7位遭起诉。NOTE 辨析 Lawmaker or legislator? Legislator is formal; lawmaker is mostly used in journalism, especially in American English, where it is often used instead of politician. * legislator是正式用语。lawmaker多用于新闻报道,尤其在美式英语中,常用于代替politician一词。 ˌMember of ˈParliament [countable] (rather formal) a person who has been elected to represent the people of a particular area in a parliament, especially in Britain and Canada (尤指英国和加拿大的)议会议员Phil Wilson, Member of Parliament for Sedgefield菲尔•威尔逊,塞奇菲尔德区议员 statesman [countable] a wise, experienced and respected political leader 政治家Power still resided with the party's elder statesman.权力依然掌握在该党元老手中。He has a reputation as a world statesman.他享有国际政治家的美誉。




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