

单词 encircle
encircle verb


surround ♦︎ enclose ♦︎ line ♦︎ flank ♦︎ encircle ♦︎ borderThese words all mean to be in a position around sb/sth or on either side of sb/sth. 这些词均表示环绕、围绕或沿着侧面。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be surrounded / enclosed / lined / flanked / encircled / bordered by / with sthto be completely surrounded / enclosed / encircledto be totally / entirely surrounded / enclosedsth surrounds / encircles a town / citywalls / fences surround / enclose / encircle sth surround [transitive] to be all around sb/sth; to move into a position all around sb/sth, especially so that they cannot escape; to move sb/sth into a position in this way 围绕;环绕;包围;围住;使包围Tall trees surround the lake.大树环绕在湖的周围。The lake is surrounded with / by trees.湖边树木环绕。the membranes surrounding the brain脑膜Police surrounded the building.警方包围了那栋房子。He has now surrounded his house with barbed wire.现在他已经用带刺的铁丝网把房子围了起来。 enclose /ɪnˈkləʊz; NAmE ɪnˈkloʊz/ [transitive] to build a wall, fence or other structure around sth; (of a wall, fence, etc.) to surround sth (用墙、篱笆等)把⋯围起来;(墙、篱笆等)围住The yard had been enclosed with iron railings.院落用铁栅栏围了起来。Low hedges enclosed the flower beds.矮树篱把花坛围住了。I can't stand being shut in a small enclosed space.我无法忍受被关在狭小封闭的空间里。When the wall, fence, etc. is the object of the verb enclose, the verb is nearly always passive. * enclose的宾语是墙、篱笆等时几乎总是用被动语态They had enclosed the yard with iron railings. line [transitive, often passive](of people or things) to form lines or rows along sth (人或物)沿⋯形成行(或列、排)Crowds of people lined the streets to watch the race.人群站在街道两旁观看赛跑。The walls were lined with books.靠墙是一排排的图书。 flank [transitive] to be on one or both sides of sb/sth 位于⋯侧面(或两侧)They drove through the flat cotton fields that flanked Highway 17.他们驾车穿过了17号公路两侧那平坦的棉田。She left the courtroom flanked by armed guards.她在武装警卫护送下离开法庭。 encircle /ɪnˈsɜːkl; NAmE ɪnˈsɜːrkl/ [transitive] (written) to surround sb/sth completely in a circular shape or movement 环绕;围绕;包围The island is encircled by a coral reef.这个岛周围都是珊瑚礁。Jack's arms encircled her waist.杰克的双臂搂着她的腰。 border [transitive] (written) (especially of a natural feature) to form a line along or around the edge of sth (尤指自然景色)沿⋯的边,环绕,给⋯镶边Meadows bordered the path to the woods.通往树林的小径两边都是草坪。




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