

单词 disability
disability noun


disability ♦︎ handicap ♦︎ impairmentThese are all words for a condition that means that you cannot use a part of your body completely or easily. 这些词均表示身体残障。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a severe disability / handicap / impairmentpermanent disability / impairmentto have / be born with / suffer from a disability / a handicap / an impairmentto cope with a disability / handicap disability [countable, uncountable] a permanent physical or mental condition that means that you cannot use a part of your body completely or easily, or that you cannot learn easily (永久性的)残疾,生理缺陷,智力障碍He has a permanent disability which prevents him from working as a labourer.他有永久性残疾,不能从事体力劳动。She works in a school for children with learning disabilities.她在一所为有学习障碍的儿童开办的学校里工作。He qualifies for help on the grounds of disability.他因残疾而符合救助条件。 handicap [countable, uncountable] (old-fashioned, sometimes offensive) a physical or mental condition that means that you cannot use a part of your body completely or easily or that you cannot learn easily 残疾;生理缺陷;智力障碍The knee injury turned out to be a considerable handicap to Paul.膝盖受伤结果给保罗的行动造成很大不便。Despite her handicap, Jane is able to hold down a full-time job.简虽然有残疾,但还是能保住一份全职工作。The word handicap to mean a permanent physical or mental disability is now rather old-fashioned, can be offensive, and should be avoided. Instead of 'mental disability/handicap' use learning disability . Handicap can still be used to talk about a temporary injury that prevents sb from using a part of their body for a time; disability cannot be used in this way. * handicap表示永久性生理缺陷或智力障碍的用法现在颇为过时,且有冒犯之意,应避免使用。表示智力障碍应该用learning disability代替mental disability/handicap。handicap仍可表示因受伤而使身体某个部位暂时性行动不便,disability则不能这样用The knee injury turned out to be a considerable disability. see also handicap obstacle impairment /ɪmˈpeəmənt; NAmE ɪmˈpermənt/ [uncountable, countable] (technical 术语) a physical or mental condition that means that a part of your body or brain does not work correctly (身体)缺陷,损伤;(智力)障碍The doctor noted impairment of the functions of the kidney.医生留意到了肾功能的障碍。A new day-care centre will be opened for people with a visual impairment.一个新的视力受损者日间护理中心即将开业。 impaired


(rather formal) He has impaired hearing as a result of long-term exposure to noise pollution.他因长期接触噪音污染而听力受损。the problems faced by people who are visually / hearing impaired视力/听力受损者所面对的问题




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