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dogged adj. ⇨ determined 2determined2 adjective determined to succeed 决心取得成功determined opposition 坚决的反对determined ♦︎ persistent ♦︎ heroic ♦︎ resolute ♦︎ single-minded ♦︎ dogged ♦︎ tenaciousThese words all describe people and actions having a clear and definite purpose, and continuing to do sth even when it is difficult. 这些词均表示人或行为目的明确的、坚定不移的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆determined / persistent / resolute / single-minded / tenacious in sth◆determined / resolute / single-minded about sth◆determined / persistent / heroic / resolute opposition to sth◆a determined / persistent / heroic struggle / effort / attempt◆determined / persistent / resolute action◆a determined / heroic / resolute stand◆determined / heroic / dogged resistance◆heroic / resolute / single-minded / dogged determination◆a heroic / resolute / dogged / tenacious defence of sth◆a determined / persistent / resolute / tenacious man / woman■ determined showing that you want to do sth very much and trying hard not to let anyone or any difficulties stop you 坚定的;坚决的;坚毅的◆The proposal had perished in the face of determined opposition.这项建议因遭到坚决反对而被放弃。◆She's a very determined young woman.她是个非常坚毅的年轻女子。■ persistent / /pəˈsɪstənt; NAmE pərˈsɪstənt/ (rather formal) continuing to do sth in spite of difficulties, especially when other people are against you and think that you are being annoying or unreasonable 执著的,坚持不懈的(尤指遭到他人反对和误解时)◆She can be very persistent when she wants something.她想要得到什么东西时会非常执著。◆He introduced a plan for dealing with persistent offenders (= people who continue to commit crimes after they have been caught and punished).他提出了一个对付惯犯的计划。 see also persist ⇨ persist ▸ persistently adverb ◆They have persistently denied claims of illegal dealing.他们一再否认进行非法交易的说法。■ heroic /həˈrəʊɪk; NAmE həˈroʊɪk/ (approving) showing great determination to succeed or to achieve sth, especially sth difficult 有必胜决心的;不畏艰难的◆We watched our team's heroic struggle to win back the cup.我们目睹了我们队为赢回奖杯所作的不懈努力。■ resolute /ˈrezəluːt/ / (rather formal) having or showing great determination to keep to a plan or decision that you have made (对计划或决定)贯彻执行的,坚定不移的◆She became even more resolute in her opposition to the plan.她更加坚决地反对那个计划。◆Her voice sounded calm and resolute.她的声音听起来平静而坚定。OPP irresolute ⓘ Someone who is irresolute is unable to decide what to do. * irresolute指人遇事犹豫不决。▸ resolutely adverb ◆They remain resolutely opposed to the idea.他们仍然坚决反对这种观点。■ ˌsingle-ˈminded (sometimes disapproving) only thinking about one particular aim or goal because you are determined to achieve sth 一心一意的;死脑筋的◆She is very single-minded about her career.她一心专注于自己的事业。◆He spent his life in the single-minded pursuit of wealth and power.他毕生一心追逐财富和权力。ⓘ Single-minded can suggest that the person does not care about what other people think. * single-minded可暗指人行事不在乎别人怎么想。▸ single-mindedly adverb ◆They devoted themselves single-mindedly to making money.他们一门心思只想着赚钱。■ dogged / /ˈdɒgɪd; NAmE ˈdɔːgɪd/ [usually before noun] (usually approving) showing determination; not giving up easily 顽强的;坚持不懈的◆His success is down to sheer dogged persistence.他的成功是靠顽强毅力取得的。◆Despite their dogged defence of the city, the enemy was too strong for them.尽管他们严防死守那座城,可对他们来说敌人的力量太强大了。ⓘ Dogged is usually used to describe positive qualities in people, especially determination, persistence and perseverance. * dogged通常用于形容人的优良品质,尤与determination、persistence和perseverance搭配。▸ doggedly adverb ◆Although the men fought doggedly on, a sense of hopeless despair engulfed them.虽然那些士兵仍在顽强战斗,但是他们已经陷入深深的绝望之中。■ tenacious /təˈneɪʃəs/ / (rather formal, written) that does not stop holding sth or give sth up easily 紧握的;不松手的;坚持的◆He paused, without releasing his tenacious grip.他停顿了一下,但是没有松开紧握的手。◆The party has kept its tenacious hold on power for more than twenty years.该政党大权紧握已经二十多年。ⓘ Collocates of tenacious include grip and hold in both literal and figurative meanings, and defence. * tenacious的搭配词包括grip和hold的字面和比喻意义以及defence。▸ tenaciously adverb ◆Though seriously ill, he still clings tenaciously to life.他虽然病情严重,但仍然顽强地活着。 |