

单词 locker
locker noun


cupboard ♦︎ closet ♦︎ wardrobe ♦︎ cabinet ♦︎ locker ♦︎ chest of drawers ♦︎ dresser ♦︎ unit ♦︎ bureau ♦︎ pantryThese are all words for a piece of furniture or a space with doors which is used for storing or displaying things. 这些词均表示柜子。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a kitchen cupboard / closet / cabinet / unit / dressera bathroom cupboard / closet / cabineta medicine cupboard / cabineta wall / storage cupboard / closet / cabinet / unita walk-in cupboard / closet / wardrobe / pantrya fitted cupboard / wardrobe / unita built-in cupboard / closet / wardrobeto open / close a cupboard / closet / wardrobe / cabinet / locker / bureau cupboard [countable] a piece of furniture with doors and shelves used for storing things such as dishes, food or clothes 橱柜;食物柜;衣柜The kitchen has built-in cupboards and shelves.厨房有嵌入式的橱柜和架子。In British English a cupboard can also be built into a wall, not a separate piece of furniture; in American English this is called a closet. 在英式英语中,cupboard亦可指入墙式的橱柜,而非单件家具;在美式英语中,这称为closetThe tool kit is in the cupboard under the stairs.工具箱在楼梯下的柜子里。 closet [countable] (especially NAmE) a small room or a space in a wall with a door that reaches the floor, used for storing things 贮藏室;壁橱She has a walk-in closet for all her clothes.她有一个步入式衣帽间放她所有的衣服。 wardrobe / /ˈwɔːdrəʊb; NAmE ˈwɔːrdroʊb/ [countable] a large cupboard for hanging clothes in 衣柜;衣橱The master bedroom has fitted wardrobes and en suite bathroom facilities.主卧室有入墙衣柜,还有配套的卫浴间。In British English a wardrobe can either be a piece of furniture or it can be built into the wall. In American English a wardrobe is always a piece of furniture; if it is built into the wall it is called a closet. 在英式英语中,wardrobe既可以是单件的家具,也可以是入墙式的。在美式英语中,wardrobe总是指单件的家具,如果是入墙式的,则称为closet。 cabinet /ˈkæbɪnət/ / [countable] a piece of furniture with doors, drawers and/or shelves, that is used for storing or showing things 储藏柜;陈列柜There's a medicine cabinet in the bathroom.浴室里有一个药柜。The china was displayed in a glass cabinet.瓷器陈列在玻璃柜里。A filing cabinet (BrE) / file cabinet (NAmE) is a piece of office furniture with deep drawers for storing files. 文件柜在英式英语中是filing cabinet,在美式英语中是file cabinet。 locker [countable] a small cupboard that can be locked, where you can leave your clothes and bags while you play a sport or go somewhere (体育馆等的)有锁存物柜,寄存柜I left my things in my locker.我把东西放在我的寄存柜里了。 ˌchest of ˈdrawers (plural chests of drawers) [countable] a piece of furniture with drawers for keeping clothes in 五斗橱;(有抽屉的)衣橱She rose from the bed and crossed to the chest of drawers.她从床上起来走到衣橱前。In American English a chest of drawers is also called a dresser or a bureau. 在美式英语中,chest of drawers亦称dresser或bureau。 dresser [countable] (NAmE) a chest of drawers 五斗橱;(有抽屉的)衣橱 Dresser is the most frequent word for this piece of furniture in American English, although chest of drawers and bureau are also used. In British English a dresser is a large piece of wooden furniture with shelves in the top part and cupboards below, used for displaying and storing items such as cups and plates. 这种家具在美式英语中最常称为dresser,尽管也用chest of drawers和bureau。在英式英语中,dresser是大件木质家具,上方是架子,底下是橱柜,用来陈列或存放杯盘等I put the kettle on and took two cups and saucers down from the dresser.我把水烧上,从碗橱取下两套杯碟。 unit [countable, usually plural] a piece of furniture, especially a cupboard, that fits with and matches others of the same type 配套家具组件;(尤指)成套家具中的柜子We offer a wide choice of kitchen units in traditional and modern styles.我们有多种传统和现代风格的整体厨房配件可供选择。Unit is used especially in shops and advertising by companies that make and sell this kind of furniture. * unit尤用于商店以及生产和销售此类家具的公司的广告中。 bureau / /ˈbjʊərəʊ; NAmE ˈbjʊroʊ/ (plural bureaux or bureaus /ˈbjʊərəʊz; NAmE ˈbjʊəroʊz/ ) [countable] (NAmE) a chest of drawers 五斗橱;(有抽屉的)衣橱There was just enough space for a fold-up bed, washstand and bureau.仅仅够空间放下一张折叠床、一个洗手台和斗柜。 pantry /ˈpæntri/ / [countable] a cupboard or small room in a house, used for storing food, especially in the past (尤指旧时的)食品贮藏柜,食品贮藏室There's bread and cheese in the pantry.食物柜里有面包和奶酪。




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