

单词 low
low adj.
deep2 (low notes/voices) poor2 (low quality/standards) scarce (supplies run low) lie low hide2


deep sympathy 深切的同情a deep voice/sound 低沉的嗓音/声响deep ♦︎ low ♦︎ rich ♦︎ bass ♦︎ sonorous ♦︎ full ♦︎ resoundingThese words all describe voices or sounds that are near the bottom of a musical scale and/or loud, and not high or soft. 这些词均形容嗓音或声音低沉的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a deep / low / rich / bass / sonorous / full voicea deep / low / rich / bass / full / resounding sounda deep / low groan / roar / rumblea deep / resounding thud / thump / thwack deep (of a voice) like a man's, not high like a woman's; (of a sound) near the bottom of the musical scale (嗓音或声音)低沉的,深沉的I heard his deep warm voice filling the room.我听见他那低沉而暖人的声音在房间里回荡。We heard a deep roar in the distance.我们听到远处一声低沉的轰鸣。 OPP high high 3 low (of a sound) near the bottom of the musical scale; (of a voice) quiet and often deep, like a man's 低沉的;低声的;轻声的The cello is lower than the violin.大提琴的声音比小提琴低沉。They were speaking in low voices.他们在低声说话。 OPP high high 3 NOTE 辨析 Deep or low?A low voice or sound is a quiet one, but you would not use low to describe a quiet, high voice. It is only when you are talking about musical notes that a low sound can be either loud or quiet. A deep voice or sound can be loud or quiet. Musical notes that are deep are very low. 用low形容嗓音或声音时,表示很轻柔,但不能用low形容轻柔的高音,只有修饰音符时low sound才有响亮轻柔之分。以deep修饰的嗓音或声音可以是响亮或轻柔的。deep形容音符时是指音高很低。 rich (approving) (of sounds, especially singing and music) strong and deep in a pleasant way (尤指歌声或音乐)浑厚的,低沉好听的Her rich contralto voice filled the concert hall.她那浑厚的中音充满了整个音乐大厅。A rich voice is usually a singing voice, not a speaking voice. 用rich形容嗓音时通常指歌声而非说话声。 bass / /beɪs/ / [only before noun] (music 音乐) (of a voice, instrument or music) low in tone (嗓音、乐器或音乐)低音的,低声调的He was musically talented, with a fine bass voice.他有音乐天赋,嗓音低沉优美。a bass drum低音鼓Bass is a more technical word for a voice than low or deep, used in singing. 用bass来形容歌声,比用low或deep更专业。 OPP treble high 3 sonorous / /ˈsɒnərəs; NAmE ˈsɑːnərəs, səˈnɔːrəs/ (formal, approving) (of a voice or sound) strong, deep and ringing, in a pleasant way (嗓音或声音)雄浑的,浑厚的Her clear, sonorous voice is perfect for opera.她那清晰浑厚的嗓音很适合唱歌剧。 sonorously


full (approving) (of sounds, especially music) deep, strong and rich (尤指音乐声)圆浑的,圆润的,饱满的He draws a unique full sound from the instrument.他用乐器奏出一种独特的圆浑音调。 resounding /rɪˈzaʊndɪŋ/ / [only before noun] (written) (of a sound) very loud and continuing for a long time (声音)响亮悠扬的,回响的The boulder hit the ground with a resounding thud.那块巨石砰的一声砸在地面上。


poor people/countries 穷人;穷国poor quality 质量差poor ♦︎ bad ♦︎ cheap ♦︎ low ♦︎ dismal ♦︎ (taboo) crap ♦︎ inferior ♦︎ (taboo) shit ♦︎ hopeless ♦︎ second-rateThese words all describe sth that is of a low standard or quality. 这些词均表示质量差的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a poor / a bad / a cheap / an inferior / a second-rate copy / imitationpoor / bad / low / inferior / second-rate qualitypoor / bad / low visibilitya poor / bad / low opinion of sb / stha poor / a bad / a dismal / a crap / an inferior / a shit performancea poor / bad / dismal result / recorda poor / a bad / a crap / an inferior / a shit designpoor / bad / inferior / second-rate servicepoor / bad / inferior workmanshipa poor / a low / a dismal / an inferior standarda bad / a cheap / a crap / an inferior / a shit / a second-rate productvery poor / bad / low / inferior / second-rate poor below the standard or quality that is acceptable or expected 质次的;差的;次的We discussed the party's poor performance in the election.我们讨论了该党在选举中欠佳的表现。She's been in poor health for some time now.她健康不佳已有些时日。On the whole he had a poor opinion of human nature.总的来说,他认为人性本恶。It was raining heavily and visibility was poor.大雨倾盆,能见度低。OPP fine good 1 poorly


The job is relatively poorly paid.相对来说,这工作报酬很低。Our candidate fared poorly in the election (= did not get many votes).我们的候选人在选举中得票不多。
bad (rather informal) of a poor quality or standard 质量差的;水平低的I thought it was a very bad article.我认为那是一篇低劣的文章。That's not a bad idea.那主意不错。This isn't as bad as I thought.这没我原来想的那么差。OPP good good 1 badly


She sang two songs, very badly.她唱了两首歌,唱得糟透了。The whole thing was badly organized.整件事的组织工作搞得一团糟。
NOTE 辨析 Poor or bad? Poor is more frequent in written English in this meaning, but bad is used more in informal spoken English. Some words do not collocate with both poor and bad. * poor表达此义时较常用于书面语,bad多用于非正式的口语。有些词只能与poor或bad其中之一搭配They have a poor standard of living.他们的生活水平很低。a bad standard of living I don't think it's a bad school.我认为这所学校不错。I don't think it's a poor school.
cheap low in price and quality 价廉质劣的The room was filled with the smell of cheap perfume.房间里弥漫着廉价香水的味道。The market has been flooded with cheap imports.市场里充斥着廉价进口货。 see also cheap cheap cheaply


The leaflet had been cheaply produced and photocopied.传单制作粗糙,影印质量差。
low below the usual or expected standard or quality 低于通常(或预期)标准的;质量差的Much of the work was of a very low standard.大部分工作做得很差。These measures will lead to a lower quality of life for many older people.这些措施将导致许多老年人生活品质下降。 OPP high high 1 dismal / /ˈdɪzməl/ / (informal) not skilful or successful; of a very low standard 不熟练的;差劲的;不怎么样的The singer gave a dismal performance of some old songs.那歌手唱了几首老歌,唱得不怎么样。Their recent attempt to increase sales has been a dismal failure.他们最近努力想提高销售量,全都白费劲。Dismal most often collocates with failure, performance, result, record and weather. * dismal最常与failure、performance、result、record和weather搭配。 dismally


I tried not to laugh but failed dismally (= was completely unsuccessful).我尽量忍着不笑,但根本忍不住。
crap (BrE) (NAmE crappy) (taboo, slang) of a very poor quality or standard 劣质的;糟糕的Crap should only be used in an informal situation to sb who is your equal in age and status. If said to sb who is older or who considers themselves more important than you, it could cause very great offence. * crap仅限于在非正式场合与年龄、地位相仿的人交谈时使用。如果在与年长者或自认为地位更高的人说话时使用该词,可能会造成很大的冒犯I used to be in this really crap band.我曾在这个极差劲的乐队待过。a crappy movie / apartment差劲的电影/公寓 see also crap rubbish noun crap


(BrE) The team played crap yesterday.这个队昨天的表现糟透了。
inferior /ɪnˈfɪəriə(r); NAmE ɪnˈfɪriər/ (rather formal) not as good as sth else of the same kind 较差的;次的;比不上⋯的The cracks in the structure were due to the poor-quality materials and inferior workmanship.建筑物产生裂缝的原因是原料质量差、工艺水平低。Modern music is often considered inferior to that of the past.人们常认为现代音乐不如过去的音乐。 OPP superior better , superior good 1 shit (BrE) (NAmE shitty) (taboo, slang) of a very poor quality or standard 劣质的;糟糕的Shit should only be used in an informal situation to sb who is your equal in age and status. If said to sb who is older or who considers themselves more important than you, it could cause very great offence. It is an even stronger and more offensive term than crap. * shit仅限于在非正式场合与年龄、地位相仿的人交谈时使用。如果在与年长者或自认为地位更高的人说话时使用该词,会造成很大的冒犯。shit甚至比crap语义更强、更无礼I was a shit player.我球打得很臭。They're a shitty team.他们队臭极了。 hopeless (BrE, informal) of a very low quality or standard of service (服务)糟透了的,极差的The buses are absolutely hopeless these days.如今的公交车简直糟糕透了。 ˌsecond-ˈrate not as good as sth else of the same kind 二流的;平庸的;普通的Why do we only produce second-rate films?为什么我们只拍出二流的电影? OPP first-rate excellent


 See also the entry for limited 1 另见limited条第1义scarce ♦︎ low ♦︎ in short supply ♦︎ short ♦︎ few and far betweenThese words all describe sth that does not exist in many places or in large numbers. 这些词均表示稀少的、不足的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配resources are scarce / low / in short supply / shortfood is scarce / low / in short supply / shorttime / money is scarce / short scarce /skeəs; NAmE skers/ not easily available; not available in the amounts that you need 稀少的;不足的;缺乏的Land suitable for building on is scarce.建筑用地稀缺。This is a criminal waste of scarce resources.这样浪费稀缺资源真是罪过。Scarce can also describe animals, birds or plants that only exist in small numbers in a particular area. It is used especially in the phrases getting/becoming scarce/scarcer, usually to suggest how bad this change is, rather than to say how interesting the animal, etc. is. * scarce也可用来形容某地的动物、鸟类或植物,指现存数量少,尤用于短语be getting/becoming scarce/scarcer(变得越来越稀缺),通常表示这种变化多么糟糕,而不是说该物种多么有趣Butterflies are getting scarcer and scarcer in industrialized areas.在工业化地区,蝴蝶越来越稀少了。This species is extremely scarce. OPP plentiful If sth is plentiful it is available or exists in large amounts or numbers. * plentiful表示数量很多或大量存在There was always a plentiful supply of food.那时候食品供应总是很充裕。In those days jobs were plentiful.那时候工作很好找。 see also scarcity lack low [not before noun] having a reduced amount or not enough of sth 数量减少;不足The reservoir was low after the long drought.久旱之后水库的水位下降了。Our supplies are running low (= we have only a little left).我们的供给快用尽了。They were low on fuel.他们的燃料快耗尽了。 in ˌshort supˈply


scarce 稀少;缺乏;不足Basic foodstuffs were in short supply.基本食物紧缺。Shelter and warm clothing are in very short supply.容身之所和寒衣严重不足。
short [not before noun] scarce 稀少;不足;缺乏When food was short they used to pick berries in the woods.过去食物短缺时,他们经常去树林里采摘浆果。He felt his time was running short (= becoming short).他感觉时间不够用。 see also shortage lack NOTE 辨析 Which word? Short is used especially to talk about time and money. Low is used especially to talk about your own supplies of sth when you have not much left. Scarce and in short supply are used to talk about resources that are not generally available. Scarce is the only word that can be used before a noun. * short尤用来修饰time和money,指时间和金钱不足;low尤指自己的某种供应品所剩无几;scarce和in short supply指资源的稀缺。只有scarce可用于名词前a waste of low/short resources ˌfew and ˌfar beˈtween


not existing in large numbers; not happening often 稀少;稀疏;不常发生Well-paid acting jobs are few and far between.很少有高薪的演出工作。There were some inspired moments in the performance, but these were few and far between.演出中有些精彩瞬间,只是太少了。 Few and far between is usually used to talk about sth that you wish there were more of, or happened more often, although it can also be used when you are glad that sth is rare. * few and far between通常指希望某事物更多或更常出现,但也可用于某事物少而让人高兴的情形Disappointments were few and far between.令人失望的事很少发生。


hide your papers/your feelings/the truth 藏起文件;隐瞒感情;掩盖事实Quick, hide! 快点,躲起来!hide ♦︎ lurk ♦︎ lie low ♦︎ hole up/be holed upThese words all mean to go or be somewhere where you hope you will not be found. 这些词均表示躲藏、藏匿。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to hide / lurk / lie low / hole up in a placea place to hide / lie low / hole up hide (hid, hidden) [intransitive, transitive] to go or be somewhere where you hope you will not be seen or found 躲藏;藏匿Quick, hide!快点,躲起来!I hid under the bed.我躲在床底下。They're hiding from the police.他们在躲避警察。She hides herself away in her office all day.她整天躲在自己的办公室里。 lurk [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to wait somewhere secretly, especially because you are going to do sth bad or illegal (尤指意图不轨地)埋伏,潜伏Why are you lurking around outside my house?你在我房子外面鬼鬼祟祟的,想干什么?A crocodile was lurking just below the surface.有条鳄鱼就潜伏在水下。 lie ˈlow


(lay, lain) (rather informal) to try not to attract attention to yourself, especially for quite a long time (尤指长时间)尽量不引起注意,不露面Maybe we should lie low for a few days.也许我们该躲几天。
ˌhole ˈup be ˌholed ˈup

phrasal verb

(informal) to hide in a place 躲藏(在某处)We've got to find out where he holes up at night.我们得查出他晚上在哪儿藏身。We believe the gang are holed up in the mountains.我们确信那帮匪徒躲在山里。




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