

单词 olect_criterion_0


criterion ♦︎ standard ♦︎ test ♦︎ measure ♦︎ benchmark ♦︎ guide ♦︎ guideline ♦︎ gauge ♦︎ yardstick ♦︎ normThese are all words for amounts, or levels of quality, that are used to help you estimate or judge sb/sth. 这些词均表示用来评判的标准、准则、尺度。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a criterion / measure / benchmark / yardstick / norm for sthby any criteria / standard / measure / yardstickagainst the criteria / standard / benchmark / yardstick / norma useful criterion / test / measure / benchmark / guide / gauge / guideline / yardstick(an) objective criterion / standards / test / measure / guide(a) general standards / measure / guide / guideline(a) reliable test / measure / guide / gauge / guidelinesto serve as a criterion / measure / guide / gauge / guideline / yardstickto provide a criterion / standard / measure / benchmark / guide / yardstickto set / establish criteria / a standard / the benchmark / norms criterion / /kraɪˈtɪəriən; NAmE kraɪˈtɪriən/ (plural criteria) [countable] a principle or level of quality by which sth is judged or by the help of which a decision is made (评判或作决定的)标准,准则,尺度The sole criterion is the market price of the land.唯一的标准是土地的市场价格。What are the criteria used in evaluating student performance?评定学生表现的准则是什么?The listing in the guide is proof that the restaurant meets certain criteria.在指南中榜上有名,证明这家餐馆达到了一定水准。 standard [countable, usually plural] a level of quality that is normal or acceptable for a particular person or in a particular situation (正常)水平;(应有的)标准,水准No matter how hard I tried I could never reach their standards.无论怎样努力,我总是达不到他们的标准。You'd better lower your standards if you want to find somewhere cheap to live.要想找个便宜的地方住,你最好降低标准。I don't know if it's up to your standards.我不知道这是否符合你的标准。It was a simple meal, by Eddie's standards.按埃迪的标准,那不过是顿便饭。The equipment was slow and heavy by modern standards.按现代标准,这设备又缓慢又笨重。 test [countable] a situation or event that shows how good, strong, etc. sb/sth is 检验;考验The local elections will be a good test of the government's popularity.地方选举对政府是否得人心将是一个很好的检验。The game against Dundee will be a real test of character for us.与邓迪队的比赛对我们的意志将是一次真正的考验。The latest pay dispute has really put her management skills to the test.最近的薪酬纠纷确实让她的管理才能受到了考验。 measure [countable] a way of judging or measuring sth; a sign of the size or strength of sth 判断;衡量;尺度;程度Exam results are only one measure of a school's success.考试成绩只是衡量学校水平的一个标准。Is this test a good measure of reading comprehension?这个测试是判断阅读理解能力的好方法吗?Her hand trembled slightly, a measure of her anxiety.她的手微抖,表明她感到焦虑。 benchmark /ˈbentʃmɑːk; NAmE ˈbentʃmɑːrk/ [countable] something that can be measured and used as a standard that other things can be compared with 基准The German recycling system is seen as a benchmark for schemes throughout Europe.德国的回收制度被视为全欧洲回收体系的标准。The central bank has cut its benchmark interest rate four times.中央银行已经四次调低基准利率。 guide [countable, usually singular] something that gives you enough information to be able to make a decision about sth or form an opinion 指导原则;参考标准As a general guide, large dogs need more exercise than small ones.一般来说,大型犬比小型犬需要更多的运动。These figures should be taken as a rough guide.应该把这些数字看作大致的标准。 guideline /ˈgaɪdlaɪn/ / [countable] something that can be used to help you make a decision or form an opinion 参考These prices are a guideline only.这些价格仅供参考。It may help to have a few guidelines to follow.有些规则可循,也许会有帮助。NOTE 辨析 Guide or guideline?There is very little difference in meaning between these two words. Guide is often used in situations where being exact is less important; guideline is often used in business situations, where it is impossible to be exact, but still important to be as nearly right as possible. Guide is not usually used in the plural. 这两个词含义差别很小。guide常用于不需要特别精确的场合,guideline常用于不可能精确但要尽量准确的商业场合。guide通常不用复数形式It may help to have a few guides to follow. gauge (NAmE also gage) / /geɪdʒ/ / [countable, usually singular] (written, especially business 尤用于商业) a thing, event or fact that can be used to estimate or judge sth 依据;尺度;标准The company was regarded as a gauge of Britain's industrial well-being.这家公司被视为衡量英国工业发展状况的指标。 see also gauge estimate verb , gauge judge verb 1 yardstick /ˈjɑːdstɪk; NAmE ˈjɑːrdstɪk/ [countable] something that can be measured and used as a standard that other things can be compared with 衡量标准;准绳Exam results are not the only yardstick of a school's performance.考试成绩并非衡量学校水平的唯一标准。Rates of progress are difficult to compare without a common yardstick.没有共同的标准,进步的快慢不好比较。NOTE 辨析 Benchmark or yardstick?A benchmark is usually the particular standard that is used or recommended for measuring a particular thing; a yardstick is more often one of several possible standards that can be used. * benchmark通常指衡量特定事物的特定标准;yardstick则多指可以采用的几种标准之一。 norm [countable] a required or agreed standard, level or amount 标准;定额;定量The level of background radioactivity is well below international norms.本底辐射强度远低于国际标准。




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