

单词 bloodthirsty
bloodthirsty adj.


violent ♦︎ bloody ♦︎ rough ♦︎ murderous ♦︎ homicidal ♦︎ bloodthirstyThese words all describe people using physical force that is intended to hurt or kill sb. 这些词均表示暴力的、粗暴的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达粗暴的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配violent / murderous / homicidal towards sba violent / murderous / homicidal attackviolent / murderous / homicidal tendencies violent involving or caused by physical force that is intended to hurt or kill sb 暴力的;强暴的;粗暴的Violent crime has increased by 15 per cent.暴力犯罪已上升了15%。Her husband was a violent man.她丈夫是个粗暴的人。He later met a violent death on the battlefield.后来他暴死在战场上。Children should not be allowed to watch violent movies (= that show a lot of violence).不应允许儿童看暴力电影。The crowd suddenly turned violent.人群突然变得狂暴起来。 violence


[uncountable] crimes / acts / threats of violence暴力犯罪/行为/威胁He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police.他谴责抗议者对警察使用暴力。domestic violence (= between family members) 家庭暴力


The crowd reacted violently.人群反应激烈。
bloody [usually before noun] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) involving a lot of violence and killing 嗜杀的;血腥的;残暴的A bloody battle has been fought in the region.一场血战已经在该地区展开。The terrorists have halted their bloody campaign of violence.恐怖分子已经停止了凶残的暴力活动。 Bloody can describe battle or fight, but not the people involved. * bloody可形容战斗或搏斗,但不形容参与者Her husband was a bloody man. rough (rather informal) not gentle or careful; violent 粗暴的;粗野的;猛烈的They complained of rough handling by the guards.他们抱怨受到了警卫的粗暴对待。She doesn't like playing with the rough kids.她不喜欢和粗野的孩子一起玩耍。 (spoken) Don't try any rough stuff with me.别想对我撒野。 OPP gentle sensitive 1 roughly


He pushed her roughly out of the way.他粗暴地把她推到一边。
murderous /ˈmɜːdərəs; NAmE ˈmɜːrdərəs/ (written) intending or likely to kill another person; making sb likely to kill another person 蓄意谋杀的;凶残的;凶恶的;(使)可能会杀人的The film turns a murderous villain into a hero.这部影片把一个凶残的恶棍塑造成了英雄。Some of the patients had suicidal or murderous tendencies.一些病人有自杀或谋杀的倾向。 Murderous is often used to describe people feeling anger or hatred. * murderous常用于形容人感到愤怒或仇恨a murderous look / glance / mood凶恶的目光/一瞥/语气murderous intent / rage / jealousy凶残的意图/狂怒/忌妒 see also murder murder , murder kill verb homicidal /ˌhɒmɪˈsaɪdl; NAmE ˌhɑːmɪˈsaɪdl/ (rather formal) murderous (使)可能会杀人的;有杀人倾向的He's a homicidal maniac.他是个杀人狂。She had clear homicidal tendencies.她有明显的杀人倾向。 see also homicide murder NOTE 辨析 Murderous or homicidal? Murderous expresses stronger feelings of fear or disgust than homicidal; it is often used to describe behaviour caused by strong emotions such as anger and hatred. Homicidal is a more technical and less emotive (= showing strong emotions) term; it is often used to describe behaviour caused by mental illness. * murderous所包含的恐惧或讨厌比homicidal更强烈,常形容由强烈的情感,如愤怒或仇恨,引发的行为。homicidal是较为专业的用语,含感情成分较少,常形容由精神病引发的行为。 bloodthirsty /ˈblʌdθɜːsti; NAmE ˈblʌdθɜːrsti/ wanting to kill or wound; enjoying seeing or hearing about killing and violence; describing or showing killing and violence 嗜杀成性的;喜好凶杀与暴力的;描写(或表现)凶杀与暴力的We are not a bloodthirsty people.我们不是个嗜杀成性的民族。It's a bloodthirsty tale of murder and revenge.这是个描写凶杀与复仇的血腥故事。




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