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purpose noun ⇨ purpose (The purpose of this is to…) ⇨ determination (strength of purpose) ⇨ function (serve a purpose) ⇨ mission (a sense of purpose) purpose noun ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ target 另见target条purpose ♦︎ aim ♦︎ intention ♦︎ plan ♦︎ point ♦︎ idea ♦︎ intentThese are all words for talking about what sb/sth intends to do or achieve. 这些词均表示意图、目标。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆with the purpose / aim / intention / idea / intent of doing sth◆sb's purpose / aim / intention / plan / intent that...◆sb's intention / plan / intent to do sth◆sb / sth's original purpose / aim / intention / plan / idea / intent◆a specific purpose / aim / intention / plan / intent◆the whole point / idea◆to have a purpose / an aim / an intention / a plan / a point / an intent◆to state your purpose / aim / intention◆to declare your aim / intention / intent◆to achieve / fulfil a purpose / an aim■ purpose [countable] what sth is supposed to achieve; what sb is trying to achieve 意图;目的;目标◆The main purpose of the campaign is to raise money.这次活动的主要目的是募集资金。◆A meeting was called for the purpose of appointing a new treasurer.为任命新的财务主管召开了一次会议。◆ (rather formal) He did not want anything to distract him from his purpose.他不想让任何事情转移他的注意力,使他偏离自己的目标。■ aim [countable] what sb is trying to achieve; what sth is supposed to achieve 目的;目标;意图◆She went to London with the aim of finding a job.她抱着想找份工作的目的去了伦敦。◆Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe.我们的主要目标是增加欧洲的销售额。◆She set out the company's aims and objectives in her speech.她在讲话中阐明了公司的目标和宗旨。 see also aim ⇨ intend verb NOTE 辨析 Purpose or aim?Your purpose for doing something is your reason for doing it; your aim is what you want to achieve. Aim can suggest that you are only trying to achieve sth; purpose gives a stronger sense of achievement being certain. Aim can be sb's aim or the aim of sth. Purpose is more usually the purpose of sth: you can talk about sb's purpose but that is more formal. * purpose指做某事的原因,aim指想取得的成果。aim可能表示“只是努力想做到”,而purpose则意味着更强的达成目标的信心。可以说sb's aim,也可以说the aim of sth。the purpose of sth较常见,也可以说sb's purpose,但较正式。■ intention [countable] what you intend to do 意图;计划;打算◆I have no intention of going to the wedding.我无意去参加婚礼。◆He has announced his intention to retire.他宣布了退休的打算。◆I have every intention of paying her back what I owe her.我一心想把我欠她的还给她。◆She's full of good intentions but they rarely work out.她虽然处处出于善意,但往往事与愿违。 see also intend ⇨ intend ■ plan [countable] what you intend to do or achieve 计划;打算◆Do you have any plans for the summer?这个夏天你有什么打算吗?◆There are no plans to build new offices.没有建新办公楼的计划。◆There's been a change of plan.计划有变。◆We can't change our plans now.我们现在不能改变计划了。 see also plan ⇨ plan noun 1 , plan ⇨ intend verb NOTE 辨析 Intention or plan?Your intentions are what you want to do, especially in the near future; your plans are what you have decided or arranged to do, often, but not always, in the longer term. * intention指想要做的事,尤指近期打算;plan指已经决定或安排去做的事情,常常是长期的计划,但是也有例外。■ point [uncountable, singular] (rather informal, usually disapproving) the purpose or aim of sth 意图;目的;理由◆What's the point of all this violence?这一切的暴力行为有什么意义?◆There's no point in getting angry.发火是没有用的。◆I don't see the point of doing it all again.我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。■ idea [singular] (rather informal) the purpose of sth; sb's aim 意图;目标◆The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend.去的唯一目的是我们能见到她的新男友。◆What's the idea of all this?这一切的目的是什么?◆My original idea was to use amateur actors.我原本打算用业余演员。NOTE 辨析 Point or idea? Point is a more negative word than idea. If you say What's the point...? you are suggesting that there is no point; if you say What's the idea...? you are genuinely asking a question. Point, but not idea, is used to talk about things you feel annoyed or unhappy about. * point比idea多几分否定意义。What's the point ...?表示做某事毫无道理,What's the idea ...?则是真正的询问。point用于描述让人生气或不快的事情,但idea则不行◆There's no idea in... ◆I don't see the idea of... You might miss the point of sth (= fail to understand) but get the idea (= understand). You can talk about the point/idea of sth or sb's idea but not sb's point. * miss the point of sth意为“不明白”,get the idea意为“理解”。可以说the point/idea of sth,也可以说sb's idea,但不能说sb's point◆My original point was to use amateur actors. ■ intent / /ɪnˈtent/ / [uncountable] (formal or law 法律) what you intend to do 意图;目的◆She denies possessing the drug with intent to supply.她否认藏有毒品是为了供他人使用。◆He was charged with wounding with intent.他被指控故意伤人。 determination noun determination ♦︎ persistence ♦︎ resolve ♦︎ spirit ♦︎ purpose ♦︎ tenacity ♦︎ perseveranceThese are all words for personal qualities that help you to continue doing sth that is difficult or unpleasant. 这些词均表示决心、毅力、勇气。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆determination / resolve to do sth◆great determination / persistence / resolve / spirit / purpose / tenacity / perseverance◆sheer / dogged determination / persistence / perseverance◆to show (your) determination / persistence / resolve / spirit / tenacity◆to have determination / persistence / spirit / purpose / tenacity / perseverance■ determination [uncountable] (often approving) the quality that makes you continue trying to do sth even when this is difficult 决心;坚毅;坚定◆The key to his success was his dogged determination to see things through.他成功的关键在于他有坚持到底的顽强决心。◆She fought the illness with courage and determination.她勇敢顽强地与疾病作斗争。■ persistence / /pəˈsɪstəns; NAmE pərˈsɪstəns/ [uncountable] the fact of continuing to try to do sth in spite of difficulties, especially when other people are against you and think that you are being annoying or unreasonable 执著,锲而不舍(尤指遭到他人反对和误解时)◆His persistence was finally rewarded when the insurance company agreed to pay for the damage.保险公司答应赔偿损失,他的坚持不懈终于得到了回报。◆It was her sheer persistence that wore them down in the end.最终把他们拖垮的是她的不屈不挠。 see also persist ⇨ persist ■ resolve /rɪˈzɒlv; NAmE rɪˈzɑːlv/ [uncountable] (formal, often approving) strong determination to do sth that you believe to be right 决心;坚定信念◆The difficulties in her way merely strengthened her resolve.她所遇到的困难只是让她决心更加坚定。◆He did not weaken in his resolve.他的决心并没有动摇。■ spirit [uncountable] (approving) a personal quality that is a combination of courage, determination and energy 勇气;志气;意志◆Show a little fighting spirit.拿出一点斗志来。◆Although the team lost, they played with tremendous spirit.虽然该队输了,可队员都表现得极为勇猛。◆They took away his freedom and broke his spirit.他们剥夺了他的自由,摧垮了他的意志。 see also spirited ⇨ lively ■ purpose [uncountable] (rather formal) the ability to plan sth and work successfully to achieve it 意志;毅力;决心◆He has enormous confidence and strength of purpose.他信心十足,意志坚强。■ tenacity /təˈnæsəti/ / [uncountable] (rather formal, written) the determination to continue trying to do sth 顽强意志◆They competed with skill and tenacity.他们竞争靠的是技术和顽强意志。NOTE 辨析 Determination or tenacity? Determination has a wider range of meaning than tenacity. People often show determination in the face of difficulty, danger or suffering; it is often spoken of in the phrase courage and determination. People show tenacity in less important or serious situations, that do not need courage, but do require people to keep trying if they are to succeed. * determination含义比tenacity宽泛。determination指面对困难、危险或苦难时表现出的坚忍不拔,常用于短语courage and determination中;tenacity指在相对不那么重要或严重的情况下表现出的意志,这些情况可以不需要勇气,但得不停地尝试以达到成功。■ perseverance /ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪərəns; NAmE ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪrəns/ [uncountable] (rather formal, approving) the fact of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim in spite of failure or difficulties 毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神◆They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty.他们面对困难表现出坚强的毅力。 see also persevere ⇨ persist NOTE 辨析 Persistence or perseverance?People show perseverance in the face of difficult circumstances, usually created by situations outside anyone's control, such as illness, bad economic conditions, or just bad luck. Persistence is necessary when other people create difficulties, either by refusing to help or by actively trying to stop you. * perseverance指面对困难不屈不挠,尤其是面对人力无法控制的境况,如疾病、经济不景气或运气不佳等。persistence则指面对他人造成的困难,如他人拒绝帮助或竭力阻止的情况下仍然坚持不懈。 function noun function ♦︎ use ♦︎ purposeThese are all words for a special activity of sb/sth, or the way or reason sth is used. 这些词均表示作用、功能、用途。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆sth's main / primary function / use / purpose◆a useful function / purpose◆to have a function / use / purpose◆to serve / fulfil a function / purpose■ function [countable, uncountable] a special activity of a person or thing 作用;功能;机能◆The committee performs a useful function despite not having executive powers.该委员会尽管没有行政权但却发挥了有益的职能。◆The function of the heart is to pump blood through the body.心脏的功能是把血液输往全身。◆bodily functions (= for example eating, sex, using the toilet) 身体机能◆This design aims for harmony of form and function.这个设计旨在使形式和功能协调一致。■ use [countable, uncountable] a reason for which sth is used; a way in which sth is or can be used 用途;功能;用法◆I'm sure you'll think of a use for it.我相信你会给这东西找到用途的。◆This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses.这种化学品在工业上用途广泛。◆Don't throw that box away-I'm sure I could put it to some use.别把那只箱子扔掉,我肯定我还能用得着它。 see also use ⇨ use noun ■ purpose [countable] the reason why sth is done or made; what is needed in a situation for a particular reason 目的;意图;用途◆The experiments serve no useful purpose.这些实验毫无用处。◆The building is used for religious purposes.这座建筑是用于宗教活动的。ⓘ For...purposes is used when you are talking about what is needed in a particular situation. * for ... purposes指为了某一情况的需要◆These gifts count as income for tax purposes.这些赠与物品视为应课税收入。◆For the purposes of this study, the three groups have been combined.为了这项研究工作的需要,三个小组已合并。 mission noun mission ♦︎ purpose ♦︎ vocationThese are all words for sth that you do, especially a job, that is important to you or that you feel is your duty. 这些词均表示使命、重大的职责。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to find your mission / purpose / vocation◆a sense of mission / purpose / vocation◆sb's mission / purpose / vocation in life■ mission / /ˈmɪʃn/ / [countable] particular work that you feel it is your duty to do 使命;天职◆Her mission in life was to work with the homeless.她以帮助无家可归者为己任。◆We will continue our mission to close the gap between customers' expectations and the reality.我们将继续履行自己的职责,努力缩小客户的期望与实际情况之间的差距。■ purpose [countable, uncountable] the feeling that there is a definite aim in what you do and that it is important and valuable to you 重要意义;价值◆Teachers need to give a purpose to the activities and assignments they give to students.教师给学生布置活动和作业要有目的性。◆Volunteer work gives her life a sense of purpose.做志愿工作使她的生活有了意义。■ vocation /vəʊˈkeɪʃn; NAmE voʊˈkeɪʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a type of work or way of life that you strongly believe is especially suitable for you, especially one that involves helping other people; a belief in this; a belief that you have been chosen by God to be a priest or nun (认为特别适合自己的)工作,事业,生活方式;(认为某种工作或生活方式特别适合自己的)信心,使命感;神召◆Nursing is not just a job-it's a vocation.护理不仅仅是一项工作,还是一项事业。◆She seems to have a vocation for healing.她像是干康复治疗这一行的料。◆He spoke about his vocation to the priesthood.他谈到了自己蒙圣召成为司铎。 |