

单词 pipe
pipe noun


pipe ♦︎ tube ♦︎ pipeline ♦︎ hose ♦︎ line ♦︎ duct ♦︎ mainThese are all words for a long hollow object that is used for transporting liquid or gas from one place to another. 这些词均表示管子、管道。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配through a pipe / tube / pipeline / hose / ducta plastic / metal pipe / tube / hosea rubber tube / hosean underground pipe / pipeline / ducta gas pipe / pipeline / duct / mainan oil pipe / pipeline pipe [countable, uncountable] a long round hollow object through which liquid or gas can be transported from one place to another 管子;管道Insulation may reduce the risk of water pipes bursting in winter.使用绝缘材料能降低冬天水管冻裂的危险。The car's exhaust pipe was blocked with snow.汽车的排气管被雪堵住了。All the old lead pipes were replaced with plastic and copper.所有的老铅管都用塑料管和铜管取代了。Copper pipe is sold in lengths.铜管按长度出售。 pipe


[transitive] Water is piped from the reservoir to the city.水通过管道从水库输送到城市。
tube [countable] a narrow pipe made of metal, plastic, rubber or glass; a hollow object in the shape of a pipe or tube (金属、塑料或玻璃制成的)管,管子;管状物He had to be fed through a feeding tube for several months.他几个月来一直得靠胃管进食。The documents were rolled up in a cardboard tube.文件卷起来放进了硬纸管。The bike's inner tube was punctured in several places.自行车内胎有几处扎破了。NOTE 辨析 Pipe or tube? Pipe emphasizes the function: to transport liquid or gas. Tube emphasizes the shape: long, thin and hollow. Pipes are often longer, thicker and more rigid (= not able to bend) than tubes, although this is not always the case. * pipe强调管道输送液体或气体的功能,tube强调管子长、窄、空的形状。pipe常比tube要长、粗和坚硬,但也有例外。 pipeline [countable] / /ˈpaɪplaɪn/ / a series of pipes that are used for carrying large quantities of oil, water or gas over long distances, often underground (通常指地下的)输油管道,供水管道,输气管道There are plans to lay a gas pipeline through the region.计划在这个地区铺设输气管道。 hose /həʊz; NAmE hoʊz/ [countable, uncountable] a long narrow tube, usually made of material such as rubber or plastic that bends easily, used for putting water onto fires or gardens (灭火、浇花等用的)橡皮管,塑料管,水龙带The firefighters trained their hoses on the burning building.消防员把水龙带对准着火的大楼。a fire / garden hose消防用水龙带;浇花用软管a length of hose一段软管 hose


[transitive] Firefighters hosed the burning car.消防员用水龙带向着火的汽车喷水。
line [countable] a narrow pipe that carries liquid or gas from one place or part of a machine to another; a thick cable that carries electricity to buildings, towns and cities (输送液体或气体的)管道;(输电)线路Disconnect the fuel line from the top of the pump.从油泵上端切断输油管道。Take care when working near overhead power lines.在架空输电线附近工作时要小心。 duct [countable] a large pipe or enclosed channel for carrying liquid, gas, air or cables (传送液体、气体、空气或容纳电缆的)管子,管道They managed to get out of the building by crawling through a ventilation duct.他们设法顺着通风管道爬出了大楼。 main [countable] a large pipe that carries water or gas to a building; a large cable that carries electricity to a building; a large pipe that carries waste water and sewage (= human waste) away from a building (通往建筑物的)主管道,输电干线;(建筑物的)污水总管道The area was evacuated after the discovery of a leaking gas main.发现煤气总管道泄漏后,这个地区的人被疏散。




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