

单词 shed/cast/throw light on sth
shed/cast/throw light on sth phrase


explain how sth works 解释⋯的工作原理explain your behaviour 说明你这样做的原因explain ♦︎ illustrate ♦︎ define ♦︎ clarify ♦︎ shed/cast/throw light on sth ♦︎ spell sth out ♦︎ interpret ♦︎ expoundThese words all mean to tell sb about sth in a way that makes them able to understand it. 这些词均表示解释、说明。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to explain / clarify / spell sth out / expound sth to sbto explain / spell out that...to explain / illustrate / clarify / shed light on / spell out how / what... / why...to explain / clarify / shed light on a / an situation / issueto explain / illustrate / clarify / expound an ideato explain / illustrate / clarify a pointto explain / illustrate / define / clarify the position / role / nature / meaning of sthto explain / illustrate / expound a theoryto clearly explain / illustrate / define / spell out / expound sth explain [transitive, intransitive] to tell sb about sth in a way that makes it easy or easier for them to understand 解释;说明;阐明First, let me explain the rules of the game.首先,我来说明一下游戏的规则。I tried to explain the problem to the technician.我试图向那个技术员解释这个问题。She explained to them what to do in the event of an emergency.她向他们说明了紧急情况下要怎么做。'It was like this,' she explained.“事情就是这样了。”她解释道。There's no need to explain. We understand.没有必要解释,我们明白。You cannot say 'explain me/him/her, etc.'. * explain后不能直接跟人称代词,要用explain sth to sbCan you explain the situation to me?能给我说明一下情况吗?Can you explain me the situation? see also explanatory descriptive explanation [countable] For a full explanation of how the machine works, turn to page 5.关于机器工作原理的详细说明,请见第5页。 illustrate [transitive] to make the meaning of sth clearer by using examples, pictures, diagrams, etc. (用事例、图片、图表等)说明,解释To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story.为了说明我的观点,我来给你们讲个小故事。Last year's sales figures are illustrated in Figure 2.图2显示了去年的销售数字。 see also illustrate show 1 , illustration diagram , illustration example 1 , illustrative descriptive define [transitive] to say or explain what the meaning of a word or phrase is 解释(词语)含义;给(词语)下定义The term 'mental illness' is difficult to define.“精神病”这个词很难下定义。Life imprisonment is defined as 60 years under state law.按照州法律终身监禁定义为60年。 see also definition definition clarify / /ˈklærəfaɪ/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to make sth clearer or easier for sb to understand 使更清晰易懂;阐明;澄清Let me clarify my position on this matter.我来澄清一下我在这件事情上的立场。There are one or two issues that need to be clarified.有一两个问题需要再说明一下。I hope I managed to clarify things a little.希望我已经把事情解释得清楚些了。 clarification


[uncountable, countable] I am seeking clarification of the regulations.我正努力弄清这些规则。
shed ˈlight on sth throw ˈlight on sth cast ˈlight on sth


(shedding, shed, shed; cast, cast; threw, thrown)to make sth easier to understand by explaining parts of it (部分地)解释清楚,阐明Recent research has thrown some new light on the causes of the disease.最新的研究进一步解释了这种病的病因。The report casts no light on (= does not explain) why some children are still failing to achieve at school.这个报告没有解释为什么一些儿童仍然不能在学业上取得进步。A person, sth they say or write, or a new discovery can shed/cast/throw light on sth. * shed/cast/throw light on sth的主语可以是人、言论或文章,或是新的研究发现。
ˌspell sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to explain sth in a very clear, simple way (用浅显的方式)解释明白,讲清楚You know what I mean- I'm sure I don't need to spell it out.你明白我的意思-肯定不需要解释了。
interpret [transitive] to explain the meaning of sth such as a text or work of art, especially when it is possible to understand or explain it in several different ways 诠释,解读(文本、艺术品等,尤指诠释方式不只一种)The students were asked to interpret the poem.学生被要求诠释那首诗。 see also interpretation definition , interpretative descriptive expound [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to explain sth by talking about it in detail 详解;详述;阐述She expounded her theory further in the course of her talk.她在发言中进一步详述了她的理论。He was there to expound on the government's latest policy initiative.他去那儿的目的是阐述政府政策的最新方案。




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