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teaching noun ⇨ education (classroom teaching) ⇨ values (religious teaching) education noun education ♦︎ training ♦︎ study ♦︎ teaching ♦︎ learning ♦︎ instruction ♦︎ tuition ♦︎ schooling ♦︎ mentoring ♦︎ coaching ♦︎ tutoringThese are all words for the process of learning or being taught. 这些词均表示教育、培训。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆education / training / teaching / instruction / tuition / schooling / coaching / tutoring in sth◆education / training / study / teaching / tuition / coaching for sth◆education / teaching / learning / instruction about sth◆(a) good education / training / teaching / instruction / schooling / mentoring◆formal education / training / study / teaching / learning / instruction / tuition / schooling / coaching◆(a) basic education / training / teaching / instruction / tuition / schooling / coaching◆compulsory education / training / study / schooling◆private education / teaching / study / tuition / schooling / coaching / tutoring◆public / state education / schooling◆individual / one-to-one education / training / teaching / learning / instruction / tuition / mentoring / coaching / tutoring◆college / university education / teaching / study / tuition◆to have an education / training / instruction / tuition / schooling / coaching / tutoring◆to get / receive an education / training / instruction / tuition / coaching / tutoring◆to provide an education / training / instruction / tuition / schooling / mentoring / coaching / tutoring◆to give sb an education / training / instruction / tuition / coaching / tutoring◆to continue / complete / finish your education / training / studies / schooling■ education [uncountable, singular] the process of teaching and learning, especially in schools or colleges, in order to improve knowledge or develop skills; a particular type of teaching or training (尤指学校)教育;培养;训练◆He had little formal education (= education in school, college, etc.).他没怎么接受过正规教育。◆It is only through education that prejudice can be overcome.只有通过教育才能克服偏见。◆Will she go on to higher education (= university or college)?她接下来要上大学深造吗?◆Sex education in schools needs to be improved.学校的性教育需要加强。◆ (BrE) In those days it was very difficult for poorer people to get a university education.那时候穷人要上大学很难。◆ (NAmE) a college education大学教育 see also educate ⇨ teach , educate ⇨ train verb 1 , educator ⇨ teacher ■ training [uncountable] the process of learning the skills that you need to do a job 训练;培训◆Few candidates had any training in management.没有几个候选人接受过管理培训。◆No one is allowed to operate the machinery without proper training.未经过适当的培训,任何人都不能操作这组机械。◆Vocational training should not be seen as less important than an academic education.不应一味重视学术教育,而轻视职业培训。◆She's an accountant by training.她经培训成了一名会计师。 see also train ⇨ train verb 1 , trainer ⇨ coach noun ■ study [uncountable] the activity of learning or gaining knowledge, either from books or by examining things (通过书本或考察的)学习◆Physiology is the study of how living things work.生理学是研究生物机能的学科。◆There's a quiet room set aside for private study.特地安排了一个安静的房间作书房。◆It's important to develop good study skills.培养良好的学习方法很重要。◆Students in the same field of study may have very different skill levels.在同一个领域从事研究的学生,其研究水平也许会大相径庭。ⓘ Studies [plural] (formal) are a particular person's learning activities, for example at a college or university. 复数形式的studies指某人的学习活动,如在大学的学习◆Many undertake further studies after passing their exams.很多人考试通过后继续他们的学业。 see also study ⇨ learn verb ■ teaching [uncountable] the work of a teacher 教学;授课;指导◆What made you go into teaching?是什么原因使你从事教学工作的?◆The system should reward good classroom teaching.这个体制应该对出色的课堂教学给予奖励。◆She retired at the end of a 40-year teaching career.她结束了40年的教学生涯,退休了。 see also teach ⇨ teach , teacher ⇨ teacher ■ learning [uncountable] the process of learning sth 学习◆Effective teaching inevitably leads to effective learning.教学效果好,学习效果就会好。◆They run special classes for students with learning difficulties.他们为有学习障碍的学生开设特殊课程。◆You may get extra help if your child has a learning disability.如果你的孩子有学习障碍,你可以得到更多的帮助。◆They're new to the job and will be on a steep learning curve (= will have to learn a lot in a short time).他们刚入职,要在短时间内学习大量知识。 see also learn ⇨ learn ■ instruction [uncountable] (formal) the act of teaching sth to sb 教导;教授;传授◆She had no formal instruction in music.她从未接受过音乐方面的正规指导。◆Religious instruction is banned in all state schools in the country.该国禁止所有公立学校传授宗教教义。◆The medium of instruction in these classes is English.这些课程用英语讲授。 see also instruct ⇨ train verb 1 , instructor ⇨ coach noun ■ tuition / /tjuˈɪʃn; NAmE tuˈɪʃn/ [uncountable] (rather formal) the act of teaching sth to sb, especially to one person or to people in small groups (尤指对个人或小组的)教学,讲授,指导◆The price includes two weeks' horse riding plus expert tuition.这一价格包括两周的骑马训练和专业指导。◆One-to-one tuition can be arranged in certain languages.可以安排以某些语言进行一对一讲授。■ schooling [uncountable] (formal) the education you receive at school 学校教育◆He received very little formal schooling.他几乎没有接受过正规的学校教育。■ mentoring /ˈmentɔːrɪŋ/ / [uncountable] individual help with learning a particular job, given by an experienced person to sb younger and less experienced (为年纪较小或经验不足者提供的)个别指导◆The company provides mentoring programmes as well as specialized training for its new employees.该公司向新员工提供专业培训和个别指导。 see also mentor ⇨ adviser ■ coaching [uncountable] (BrE) the process of giving a student extra teaching in a particular subject (某科目上的)辅导◆Extra coaching is available for students who might need a little more help.需要更多帮助的学生可以得到额外的辅导。ⓘ In American English coaching is usually only used for talking about extra teaching in activities such as sports and acting. 在美式英语中,coaching通常仅指对体育竞技或表演等活动的额外指导。 see also coach ⇨ coach noun , coach ⇨ train verb 1 ■ tutoring /ˈtjuːtərɪŋ; NAmE ˈtuːtərɪŋ/ (especially NAmE) coaching (某科目上的)辅导◆Volunteer tutoring programs help children who are having trouble reading.志愿者辅导计划旨在帮助那些有阅读困难的孩子。 see also tutor ⇨ teach verb , tutor ⇨ teacher noun values noun ➡ See also the entries for ⇨ principle 1 and ⇨ view 1 另见principle条第1义和view条第1义values ♦︎ teaching ♦︎ belief ♦︎ ideology ♦︎ doctrine ♦︎ philosophy ♦︎ code ♦︎ ethic ♦︎ ethosThese are all words for an idea or set of ideas about what is morally or politically right and wrong. 这些词均表示道德或政治上的是非标准、价值观。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆sb's religious values / teaching / beliefs / ideology / doctrine / philosophy / code / ethic / ethos◆sb's moral values / teaching / beliefs / doctrine / philosophy / code◆sb's political values / beliefs / ideology / doctrine / philosophy / ethic / ethos◆sb's social values / beliefs / ideology / philosophy / code / ethic / ethos◆sb's cultural values / beliefs / ideology / code / ethos◆traditional values / teaching / beliefs / ideology / doctrine / philosophy / code / ethic◆conservative / liberal values / beliefs / ideology / doctrine / philosophy◆to have values / beliefs / an ideology / a doctrine / a philosophy / a code / an ethic / an ethos◆to subscribe to values / teaching / an ideology / a doctrine / a philosophy / a code / an ethic◆to hold values / beliefs◆to go / be against sb's values / teaching / beliefs / doctrine / philosophy / code / ethos■ values [plural] ideas about what is right and wrong and what is important in life 是非标准;生活准则;价值观◆All major religions have certain values in common.所有主要宗教都有着某些共同的是非标准。◆Conservatives often talk about a return to family values without actually explaining what these are.保守党人常说要回归家庭价值观,但没有解释具体内容到底是什么。■ teaching [uncountable, countable, usually plural] the ideas of a particular person or group, especially about politics, religion or society, that are taught to other people (尤指有关政治、宗教或社会的)教导,学说,教义,教诲◆These views go against traditional Christian teaching.这些观点与传统的基督教教义相悖。◆The culture is based on the teachings of Confucius.这种文化以孔子的学说为基础。■ belief [countable, usually plural] something that you believe, especially as part of your religion 信仰;(尤指)宗教信仰◆You need to examine your own attitudes and beliefs.你需要检讨一下自己的态度和信仰。■ ideology / /ˌaɪdiˈɒlədʒi; NAmE ˌaɪdiˈɑːlədʒi/ [uncountable, countable] (sometimes disapproving) a set of ideas that an economic or political system is based on; a set of beliefs, especially one held by a particular group, that influences the way people behave 思想体系;思想意识;意识形态;观念形态◆Individualism is central to capitalist ideology.个人主义是资本主义思想体系的核心。◆It's difficult to stand outside the dominant ideology of your own society.你很难从身处的社会的主流意识形态中摆脱出来。■ doctrine /ˈdɒktrɪn; NAmE ˈdɑːktrɪn/ [countable, uncountable] a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church or a political party 教义;主义;学说;信条◆She was deeply committed to political doctrines of social equality.她对社会平等的政治信条坚信不疑。◆He has written books on Catholic doctrine.他写了一些关于天主教教义的书。■ philosophy [countable] a particular set or system of beliefs resulting from a search for knowledge about life and the universe; a set of beliefs or an attitude to life that guides sb's behaviour 哲学体系;思想体系;人生哲学;生活的信条(或态度)◆He holds firmly to a Buddhist philosophy of life.他坚信佛教的人生哲学。◆My own philosophy is to take all the opportunities you can in life.我自己的生活态度是不放过任何可以抓住的机会。■ code [countable] a set of rules of behaviour that are generally accepted by or forced on a group or society 行为准则;行为规范◆The school enforces a strict code of conduct.这所学校严格贯彻行为准则。◆There was a rigid code of honour associated with the cult.这个异教团体的礼仪准则很死板。◆Young people unconsciously conform to a dress code but reject any kind of uniform.年轻人无意识地遵守着一种着装规定,但拒绝穿任何种类的制服。■ ethic /ˈeθɪk/ / [singular] a system of moral principles that guides people's behaviour 道德体系;行为准则◆They have a very strong work ethic (= the principle that people should work hard).他们有着很强的崇尚勤劳工作的价值观。ⓘ The term ethic is strongly associated with the Protestant Church which teaches the values of hard work and personal moral improvement. Its strongest collocates are Protestant and work. * ethic这个用语与宣扬辛勤工作和提高个人道德修养的新教价值观有着密切的联系,最常用的搭配词为Protestant和work。 see also ethics ⇨ principle 1 , ethical ⇨ moral ■ ethos /ˈiːθɒs; NAmE ˈiːθɑːs/ [singular] (formal) the moral ideas and attitudes that belong to a particular group or society (某个团体或社会的)道德思想,道德观◆They tried to develop an ethos of public service.他们努力培养公益服务意识。 |