

单词 fudge
fudge verb


evade ♦︎ get out of sth ♦︎ dodge ♦︎ duck ♦︎ sidestep ♦︎ wriggle out of sth ♦︎ fudge ♦︎ fend sb/sth off ♦︎ skirtThese words all mean to try to avoid doing sth that you do not want to do. 这些词均表示躲避、回避。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to get / duck / wriggle out of sthto evade / get out of / dodge / wriggle out of doing sthto evade / dodge / duck / wriggle out of your responsibilitiesto evade / dodge / duck / sidestep / fudge / skirt the issueto evade / dodge / duck / sidestep / fend off / skirt round a questionto evade / dodge taxes evade / /ɪˈveɪd/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to avoid doing sth, especially sth that legally or morally you should do; to avoid dealing with or talking about a subject 逃避,规避(尤指法律或道德责任);回避(处理或谈论某事)She is trying to evade all responsibility for her actions.她在试图逃避自己行为的所有责任。There is no point in evading the issue any longer.没有必要继续回避这个问题了。The most frequent collocates of evade are taxes, responsibility/responsibilities and the issue. * evade最常见的搭配词是taxes、responsibility/responsibilities和the issue。 evasion / /ɪˈveɪʒn/ /


[uncountable, countable] She's been charged with tax evasion.她被控逃税。His speech was full of evasions and half-truths.他的发言尽是些遁词和半真半假的说法。
ˌget ˈout of sth

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (rather informal) to avoid a difficult or unpleasant duty or responsibility 逃避,规避,推脱(困难或令人不快的职责或责任)We promised we'd go-we can't get out of it now.我们答应过要去的-现在我们不能食言。I wish I could get out of going to that meeting.但愿我能不去参加那个会议。 see also shirk miss 1
dodge [transitive] (rather informal, disapproving, journalism 新闻) to avoid paying taxes or doing military service, especially in a dishonest way; to avoid dealing with or talking about a subject (尤指不诚实地)逃避(缴税或服兵役);回避(处理或谈论某事)She tried to dodge paying her taxes.她想方设法逃税。Claims that he dodged the draft for the Vietnam War could damage his election chances.他曾在越战期间逃避兵役的说法恐怕会对他赢得竞选不利。 duck [transitive] (rather informal, disapproving) to avoid a difficult or unpleasant duty or responsibility 逃避,规避,推脱(困难或令人不快的职责或责任)It's his turn to cook dinner, but I bet he'll try to duck out of it.轮到他做晚饭了,但我敢打赌他会想方设法逃避的。The government is ducking the issue.政府在回避这个问题。NOTE 辨析 Get out of sth or duck? Duck is more disapproving than get out of sth: you might admit to wanting to get out of sth yourself; you would accuse sb else of trying to duck sth. * duck比get out of sth更具贬义,承认自己想逃避责任用get out of sth,指责他人试图推脱责任用duck。 sidestep / /ˈsaɪdstep/ / (-pp-) [transitive] to avoid answering a question or dealing with a problem 回避,规避(回答或处理问题)Did you notice how she neatly sidestepped the question?你有没有注意到她多么巧妙地避开了那个问题? ˌwriggle out of sth

phrasal verb

(informal, disapproving) to avoid doing sth that you should do or admitting responsibility for sth, especially by thinking of clever excuses (尤指耍滑以借口)逃避(应做的事);推卸责任She tried to wriggle out of it by saying that she had an appointment elsewhere.她以另有约会为借口来推托。He tried desperately to wriggle out of responsibility for the crash.他竭力摆脱他在这场车祸中的责任。
fudge [transitive] (disapproving) to avoid giving clear and accurate information, or a clear answer 对⋯含糊其词;回避I asked how long he was staying, but he fudged the answer.我问他要待多久,他含糊其词,没有回答。Politicians are often very clever at fudging the issue.政客常常能非常巧妙地回避问题。 ˌfend sb/sth ˈoff

phrasal verb

to protect yourself from difficult questions or criticisms, especially by avoiding them 避开,回避(难题或批评)The Prime Minister fended off three challenges to her leadership.首相避而不答质疑她领导能力的三个问题。
skirt [transitive] to avoid talking about a subject, especially because it is difficult or embarrassing 绕开,回避(话题)He carefully skirted the issue of where they would live.他小心地避开了他们将住在何处这个问题。She tactfully skirted around the subject of money.她巧妙地绕开了钱的事。Skirt is used to talk about careful behaviour, intended to avoid embarrassment, rather than behaviour that is dishonest or immoral. * skirt意为小心行事以避免尴尬的局面,并无不诚实或不道德之意。




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