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fun noun ⇨ fun (Sailing is great fun.) ⇨ entertainment (fun and games) ⇨ make fun of sb/sth, poke fun at sb/sth ⇨ laugh at sb/sth ⇨ have fun ⇨ play verb 1 fun noun fun ♦︎ pleasure ♦︎ good time ♦︎ enjoyment ♦︎ great time ♦︎ blastThese are all words for the feeling of enjoying yourself, or activities or time that you enjoy. 这些词均表示愉快、快乐的事或欢乐的时光。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to do sth for fun / pleasure / enjoyment◆to do sth with pleasure / enjoyment◆great fun / pleasure / enjoyment◆a really good / great time◆to have fun / a good time / a great time / a blast◆to get / derive pleasure / enjoyment from sth◆to bring (sb) pleasure / enjoyment◆to spoil the fun / sb's pleasure / sb's enjoyment■ fun [uncountable] (rather informal, especially spoken) the feeling of enjoying yourself; activities that you enjoy 享乐;乐趣;快乐的事◆We had a lot of fun at Sarah's party.我们在萨拉的聚会上玩得很开心。◆ (especially BrE) Sailing is good fun.帆船运动很好玩。◆I decided to learn Spanish just for fun.我决定学西班牙语只是为了好玩。◆I didn't do all that work just for the fun of it.我做这一切并不仅仅是为了好玩。◆It's not much fun going to a party on your own.独自一人参加聚会没什么意思。◆ (spoken) Have fun (= Enjoy yourself)!尽情地玩吧! see also have fun ⇨ play verb 1 ■ pleasure [uncountable] (rather formal) the feeling of enjoying yourself or being satisfied 高兴;愉快;满意◆Reading for pleasure and reading for study are not the same.为消遣而读书和为求知而读书是不同的。◆He takes no pleasure in his work.他从工作中得不到丝毫乐趣。◆ (formal, spoken) It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker.我很荣幸来介绍我们的演讲嘉宾。◆ (formal, written) We request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of our daughter Lisa.敬请光临小女莉萨的婚礼。OPP displeasure ⇨ frustration , pain ⇨ distress ■ ˌgood ˈtime [countable] (rather informal) a time that you spend enjoying yourself 欢乐的时光◆Did you have a good time in Spain?你在西班牙过得愉快吗?◆Mike and I shared some really good times.迈克和我曾共同度过一段很美好的时光。■ enjoyment [uncountable] (rather formal) the feeling of enjoying yourself 愉快;快乐;乐趣◆I get a lot of enjoyment from gardening.我从园艺中获得很多乐趣。 see also enjoy ⇨ enjoy , enjoy yourself ⇨ play verb 1 NOTE 辨析 Pleasure or enjoyment? Enjoyment usually comes from an activity that you do; pleasure can come from sth that you do or sth that happens. * enjoyment通常源于自己做的事,pleasure既可源于自己做的事也可源于发生的事◆He beamed with pleasure at seeing her.他看到她时喜不自胜。◆He beamed with enjoyment at seeing her. ■ ˌgreat ˈtime [countable] (rather informal) a time that you spend enjoying yourself very much 非常欢乐的时光◆We had a really great time together.我们一起度过了一段非常快乐的时光。■ blast [singular] (NAmE, informal, spoken) a very enjoyable experience that is a lot of fun 热闹好玩的聚会;狂欢◆The party was a blast.聚会好玩极了。◆We had a blast at the party.我们在聚会上玩得很尽兴。 entertainment noun entertainment ♦︎ fun ♦︎ recreation ♦︎ relaxation ♦︎ play ♦︎ pleasure ♦︎ amusementThese are all words for things or activities used to entertain people when they are not working. 这些词均表示娱乐活动、消遣。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to do sth for entertainment / fun / recreation / relaxation / pleasure / amusement◆to do sth for sb's entertainment / amusement◆pure entertainment / fun / pleasure◆to provide entertainment / fun / recreation / relaxation / amusement◆a form of entertainment / recreation / relaxation / amusement■ entertainment [uncountable] films, television, music, etc. used to entertain people 娱乐片;娱乐节目;娱乐活动◆There are three bars, with live entertainment seven nights a week.共有三个酒吧,每天晚上都有现场表演的娱乐节目。◆There was no TV or radio so we had to make our own entertainment (for example by playing games).没有电视,也没有广播,我们只好自娱自乐。◆The stories will be judged purely on their entertainment value.这些故事纯粹按娱乐价值进行评价。■ fun [uncountable] (rather informal) behaviour or activities that are not serious but come from a sense of enjoyment 嬉戏;逗乐;玩笑◆She's very lively and full of fun.她很活泼,挺有趣的。◆It wasn't serious-it was all done in fun.那不是认真的,全是闹着玩儿的。◆Teaching isn't all fun and games, you know.教学并非全是嬉戏和玩耍,你晓得吧。ⓘ Fun is often used in fixed phrases when sb is trying to defend an activity that other people might think is dangerous or silly. * fun常构成固定短语,用于为他人以为危险或愚蠢的活动进行辩解◆The lottery provides harmless fun for millions.彩票活动为千千万万的人提供了无伤大雅的娱乐。◆ (BrE) We didn't mean to hurt him. It was just a bit of fun.我们没想伤害他,只是开个玩笑而已。 see also have fun ⇨ play verb 1 ■ recreation / /ˌrekriˈeɪʃn/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) things people do for enjoyment when they are not working 娱乐活动;消遣◆She cycles for recreation.她骑自行车来消遣。◆His only form of recreation is playing cards.他唯一的娱乐是玩纸牌。▸ recreational adjective ◆recreational activities / facilities娱乐活动/设施■ relaxation / /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃn/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) things people do to rest and enjoy themselves when they are not working; the ability to relax 休闲活动;娱乐活动;放松◆I go hillwalking for relaxation.我要是想活动活动,就到山上走走。◆a chance for relaxation from work休息放松的机会◆It's a good idea to learn some relaxation techniques.掌握一些消遣放松的方法挺不错的。 see also relax ⇨ rest verb NOTE 辨析 Recreation or relaxation?Both these words can be used for a wide range of activities, physical and mental, but relaxation is sometimes used for gentler activities than recreation. 这两个词均可指多种形式的体力或脑力活动。但是与recreation比,relaxation有时指较温和的活动◆I play the flute in a wind band for recreation.我在管乐队吹长笛来消遣。◆I listen to music for relaxation.我听音乐消遣。 Relaxation is a skill as well as a pleasure, but recreation is not. * relaxation既是一门技能,也是一种娱乐,recreation则不然◆recreation techniques ■ play [uncountable] things that people, especially children, do for enjoyment rather than as work (尤指儿童的)游戏,玩耍;娱乐◆the happy sounds of children at play儿童嬉戏的欢闹声◆the importance of learning through play寓教于乐的重要性 see also play ⇨ play verb 1 ■ pleasure [uncountable] the activity of enjoying yourself, especially in contrast to working 玩乐;休闲◆Are you in Paris on business or pleasure?你来巴黎是公干还是游玩?◆I never mix business with pleasure.我从不把公务和娱乐混在一起。 OPP business ⇨ task ■ amusement [uncountable] (rather formal) the fact of being entertained by sth 愉悦;娱乐◆What do you do for amusement around here?你在这附近有什么娱乐?◆I write purely for my own amusement. I don't expect to make money out of it.我写东西只是为了自娱,并不是为了赚钱。 laugh at sb/sth phrasal verb laugh at sb/sth ♦︎ mock ♦︎ tease ♦︎ ridicule ♦︎ sneer ♦︎ make fun of sb/sth ♦︎ poke fun at sb/sthThese words all mean to make sb/sth look silly or not serious by making jokes about them/it. 这些词均表示嘲笑、讥笑。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to laugh / mock / sneer / poke fun at sb / sth◆to laugh at / mock / tease / ridicule / sneer at sb / sth for sth◆to laugh at / poke fun at yourself◆to mock / tease / ridicule sb / sth mercilessly◆to mock / tease sb / sth gently / a little■ ˈlaugh at sb/sth phrasal verb to make sb/sth look silly or not serious by making jokes about them/it 嘲笑;讥笑◆Everybody laughs at my accent.大家都取笑我的口音。◆She is not afraid to laugh at herself (= not be too serious about herself).她不怕拿自己来开玩笑。ⓘ Laugh at sb/sth is often used when sb accuses or suspects sb of laughing at them, or predicts that people will do so. * laugh at sb/sth常用于指责或怀疑别人在嘲笑自己,或预料别人会嘲笑自己◆Are you laughing at me?你在取笑我吗?◆I'm not wearing that hat; everyone will laugh at me!我才不戴那顶帽子呢,大家会笑我的! ■ mock [transitive, intransitive] (especially written) to laugh at sb/sth in an unkind way, especially by copying what they say or do 嘲笑,嘲弄(尤指模仿别人)◆He's always mocking my French accent.他总是嘲笑我的法国口音。◆The other children mocked her, laughing behind their hands.其他孩子学她用手捂着嘴笑的样子讥笑她。◆You can mock, but at least I'm willing to have a try!你可以嘲笑我,但我至少愿意试一试! see also mockery ⇨ contempt , mocking ⇨ contemptuous ■ tease / /tiːz/ / [intransitive, transitive] to laugh at sb and make jokes about them, either in a friendly way or in order to annoy or embarrass them 取笑;戏弄;寻开心◆Don't get upset-I was only teasing.别不高兴,我只是在逗你玩儿。◆I used to get teased about my name.过去总有人拿我的名字开玩笑。■ ridicule / /ˈrɪdɪkjuːl/ / [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to make sb/sth look silly by making jokes about them/it and laughing at them in an unkind way 嘲笑;奚落;讥笑◆At first, his theory was ridiculed and dismissed.起初,他的理论受到人们的讥笑与摒弃。◆She suspected him of trying to ridicule her.她怀疑他想要嘲笑她。 see also ridicule ⇨ contempt noun ■ sneer [intransitive] (especially written) to show that you have no respect for sb by the expression on your face or by the way you speak (以表情或言语)嘲笑,讥讽,嗤笑◆He sneered at people who liked pop music.他嘲笑喜欢流行音乐的人。◆'You? A writer?' she sneered.“你?是作家?”她不屑地说。ⓘ A sneer is an unpleasant type of smile, look or comment. * sneer作名词时指嘲笑、轻蔑或贬抑。■ make ˈfun of sb/sth idiom (made, made)to make sb/sth look silly by making jokes about them/it, especially in an unkind way (尤指不友好地)拿⋯寻开心,奚落,嘲弄◆It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer.嘲弄口吃的人是很不厚道的。■ poke ˈfun at sb/sth idiom to make sb/sth look silly or not serious by making jokes about them/it, especially in a gentle, friendly way (尤指温和、友好地)揶揄,取笑,拿⋯开玩笑◆Her novels poke fun at the upper class.她的小说揶揄上流社会。ⓘ Poke fun at sb/sth is used especially to talk about making jokes about groups of people, organizations or customs, rather than individual people. * poke fun at sb/sth尤指对人群、社团或习俗进行嘲弄,而非取笑某个人。 play1 verb children playing 孩子们在玩耍play football/for England/against France 踢足球;代表英格兰参赛;跟法国队比赛play the piano/the role of Hamlet 弹钢琴;扮演哈姆雷特play ♦︎ celebrate ♦︎ have fun ♦︎ enjoy yourself ♦︎ have a good/great time ♦︎ party ♦︎ live it upThese words all mean to do things for pleasure and/or get enjoyment from sth. 这些词均表示玩乐。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆Let's play / celebrate / have fun / enjoy ourselves / have a good time / party / live it up■ play [intransitive, transitive] to do things for pleasure, as children do, instead of working 玩耍;游戏;玩乐◆A group of kids were playing with a ball in the street.一群孩子在街上玩球。◆You'll have to play inside today.你们今天只能在屋里玩了。◆I haven't got anybody to play with!没有人跟我玩!◆There's a time to work and a time to play.工作、玩耍皆有时。◆Let's play a different game.我们玩点别的吧。 see also play ⇨ entertainment noun ■ celebrate [intransitive, transitive] to show that a day or event is important by doing sth special on it 庆祝;庆贺◆Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate.杰克考试通过了,我们出去庆祝一下。◆We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Florence.我们在佛罗伦萨庆祝25周年结婚纪念日。◆How do people celebrate New Year in your country?在你们国家,人们怎么庆祝新年?▸ celebration noun [uncountable] ◆Her triumph was a cause for celebration.她的胜利是庆祝的理由。 see also celebration ⇨ event 2 ■ have ˈfun phrase (has, had, had) (informal, especially spoken) to get enjoyment from what you are doing 得到快乐;玩得开心◆Have fun!尽情地玩吧!◆The kids were having fun in the water.孩子们在水里玩得正高兴呢。◆You can have a lot of fun with a cheap digital camera.一部廉价的数码相机就能带来很多乐趣。 see also fun ⇨ fun , fun ⇨ entertainment ■ enˈjoy yourself phrase to get enjoyment from what you are doing 得到快乐;玩得开心◆Enjoy yourselves!尽情地玩吧!◆The kids all seemed to enjoy themselves at the party.孩子们在聚会上好像都玩得很痛快。 see also enjoyment ⇨ fun ■ have a good ˈtime■ have a ˈgreat time phrase (has, had, had) (informal, especially spoken) to get (great) enjoyment from what you are doing 得到(极大的)快乐;玩得(非常)开心◆Did you have a good time in Spain?你们在西班牙玩得高兴吗?◆Yes, we had a great time.是的,我们玩得非常开心。ⓘ Have a great time is not used in questions. * have a great time不用于疑问句◆Did you have a great time? NOTE 辨析 Have fun, enjoy yourself or have a good time? Have fun and have a good time are more informal than enjoy yourself and used especially in spoken English. Have fun can be used ironically as an instruction to sb who is going to do sth that they do not expect to enjoy. * have fun和have a good time比enjoy yourself较非正式,尤用于口语。have fun可以是反语,用于告诉对方他们要做的事不会很令人愉快◆ (ironic) Oh, is it your exam today? Have fun!哦,你今天考试吧?好好享受吧! ■ party [intransitive] (informal) to enjoy yourself, especially by eating, drinking alcohol and dancing 寻欢作乐;吃喝玩乐◆They were out partying every night.他们每晚都外出寻欢作乐。 see also party ⇨ party noun 2 ■ live it ˈup idiom (informal) to enjoy yourself in an exciting way, usually spending a lot of money 尽情欢乐;纵情挥霍享乐◆They had this great win on the lottery and now they're living it up in Hawaii.他们买彩票得了这大奖,现在正在夏威夷尽情享乐呢。 |