

单词 essential
essential adj.
essential (Experience is essential for this job.) fundamental (the essential character of the town)
essential noun
basics (the essentials of English grammar) need (the bare essentials)


 See also the entries for important and necessary 另见important条和necessary条essential ♦︎ vital ♦︎ crucial ♦︎ critical ♦︎ decisive ♦︎ indispensable ♦︎ imperative ♦︎ pivotal ♦︎ of the essenceThese words all describe sb/sth that is extremely important and completely necessary because a particular situation or activity depends on them. 这些词均表示极其重要的、完全必要的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配essential / vital / crucial / critical / decisive / indispensable / imperative / of the essence for sthessential / vital / crucial / critical / indispensable / pivotal to sthto be essential / vital / crucial / critical / imperative that...to be essential / vital / crucial / critical / imperative to do sthan essential / a vital / a crucial / a critical / a decisive / an indispensable / a pivotal part / factoran essential / a vital / a crucial / a critical / an indispensable ingredient / toolan essential / a vital / a crucial / a critical componentessential / vital / crucial servicesthe crucial / critical / decisive / pivotal momentto play an essential / a vital / a crucial / a critical / a decisive / a pivotal part / role in sthof vital / crucial / critical / decisive importanceabsolutely essential / vital / crucial / critical / decisive / indispensable / imperative / pivotalquite essential / vital / crucial / critical / decisive / indispensable essential extremely important and completely necessary, because without it sth cannot exist, be made or be successful 极其重要的;完全必要的;必不可少的Experience is essential for this job.对于这个工作,经验是非常重要的。Money is not essential to happiness.金钱并非是幸福必不可少的条件。It is essential that you have some experience.你必须要有些经验,这很重要。It is essential to keep the two groups separate.将这两个组隔开是完全必要的。The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried out.博物馆现正关闭以进行必要的修缮。OPP inessential Inessential things are not necessary. * inessential指不必要的inessential luxuries不必要的奢侈品 see also essential need noun vital / /ˈvaɪtl/ / essential 极其重要的;完全必要的;必不可少的Bean sprouts contain many of the vitamins that are vital for health.豆芽含有多种对健康来说必不可少的维生素。Good financial accounts are vital to the success of any enterprise.妥善的金融账目对任何企业的成功都至关重要。It is vital that you keep accurate records when you are self-employed.从事个体经营的人要准确记录账目,这十分重要。The police play a vital role in our society.警察在我们的社会中起着极其重要的作用。 vitally


Education is vitally important for the country's future.教育对国家的未来是极其重要的。
NOTE 辨析 Essential or vital?There is no real difference in meaning between these words and they can be used with the same range of nouns and structures. However, there can be a slight difference in tone. Essential is used to state a fact or opinion with authority. Vital is often used when there is some anxiety felt about sth, or a need to persuade sb that a fact or opinion is true, right or important. Vital is less often used in negative statements. 这两个词在含义上没有实质差别,所搭配的名词和结构也相同,但是语气上略有差异。essential指用权威的语气陈述事实或观点,vital常用于表示有些焦虑的语气,或用于劝说某人相信某一事实或观点是真实、正确或重要的。vital不常用于否定句It was vital to show that he was not afraid.重要的是要表现出他毫不畏惧。Money is not vital to happiness.
crucial / /ˈkruːʃl/ / extremely important because a particular situation or activity depends on it 至关重要的;关键的Winning this contract is absolutely crucial to our long term success.赢得这份合同对我们的长期成功绝对是至关重要的。It is crucial that we get this right.我们把这个问题弄明白是极其重要的。He wasn't there at the crucial moment (= when he was needed most).紧要关头他却不在那里。 crucially


These things are all crucially important.这些事情全都极其重要。
critical / /ˈkrɪtɪkl/ / crucial 至关重要的;关键的Price and availability are the critical factors that will determine product success.价格和购买是否便利都是决定产品成功的关键因素。If the temperature drops those critical two degrees, the engine will stop functioning.如果温度降低那关键的两度,发动机将停止运转。 critically


The next few days will be critically important to the President's election chances.今后的几天对总统选举的成败至关重要。
NOTE 辨析 Crucial or critical?There is no real difference in meaning between these words and they can be used with the same range of nouns and structures. However, there is sometimes a slight difference in context. Critical is often used in technical matters of business or science; crucial is often used to talk about matters that may cause anxiety or other emotions. 这两个词在含义上没有实质差别,所搭配的名词和结构也相同,但是使用语境略有差异。critical常用于商务或科学语境谈论专业问题,crucial常修饰可能引发焦虑或其他情感的事情。
decisive / /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ / of the greatest importance in affecting the final result of a particular situation 决定性的;关键的Gettysburg was the decisive battle of the Civil War.葛底斯堡战役在美国内战史上具有决定性的意义。Signing the treaty was a decisive step (= an important action that will change a situation) towards a cleaner environment.条约的签署是向更洁净的环境迈出的关键性一步。 Decisive is not used simply to mean 'extremely important'. * decisive不单单表示非常重要Reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is of decisive importance. It is used when you are making a judgement that sb/sth was or will be the most important fact affecting the result of a particular past or future situation. * decisive是指对过往或将来之事态发展结果具决定性影响的Morrison scored the decisive goal in the 75th minute of the game.莫里森在比赛进行到75分钟时进球得了关键的一分。 decisively


The governing party is expected to win decisively in the elections.预计执政党将在大选中获得决定性的胜利。
indispensable / /ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl/ / essential; too important to be without 不可或缺的;必不可少的Cars have become an indispensable part of our lives.汽车已经成为我们生活中必不可少的一部分。She made herself virtually indispensable to the department.她成功地让自己成了这个部门的中坚分子。OPP dispensable Dispensable things are not necessary and can be got rid of. * dispensable指不必要的、可有可无的They looked on music and art lessons as dispensable.他们觉得音乐课和艺术课可有可无。 imperative / /ɪmˈperətɪv/ / [not usually before noun] (formal) extremely important and needing immediate attention or action 重要紧急的;迫切的;急需处理的It is absolutely imperative that we finish by next week.我们的当务之急是在下周内把事情完成。 pivotal / /ˈpɪvətl/ / (rather formal, especially written) extremely important because a particular situation or activity depends on it 关键性的;核心的The Foreign Secretary has played a pivotal role in European affairs.外交部长在欧洲事务中起到了关键性的作用。Accountancy, law and economics are pivotal to a successful career in any financial services area.会计学、法学和经济学在任何金融服务领域都是事业成功的关键。 Pivotal is used especially to describe the part that sb/sth plays in a particular situation; it is not used to describe items or actions that are just extremely important. * pivotal尤指在某一情形下所起的关键性作用,不用于描述非常关键的事物或行为pivotal services/supplies/repairs It is pivotal that we get this right. of the ˈessence


(rather informal) essential 必不可少;非常重要In this situation time is of the essence (= we must do things as quickly as possible).在这种情况下,时间是关键。Speed is of the essence when transporting casualties to hospital.运送伤者去医院时,速度至关重要。


fundamental ♦︎ underlying ♦︎ radical ♦︎ basic ♦︎ essential ♦︎ elementary ♦︎ ultimate ♦︎ rudimentaryThese words all describe things such as problems and ideas that concern the most basic and important parts of sth. 这些词均表示根本的、基本的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配fundamental / basic to stha fundamental / an underlying / a radical / a basic / an essential difference / distinctiona fundamental / an underlying / a radical / a basic change / improvementa fundamental / radical / basic approacha fundamental / an underlying / a basic / an essential / an elementary rule / principlea fundamental / an underlying / a basic / an essential / the ultimate trutha fundamental / an underlying / a basic / an essential / the ultimate cause / reasona fundamental / an underlying / a basic / an essential assumption / aim / problem / cause / reason / need / weaknessa fundamental / a basic / an elementary / a rudimentary skill / understanding / knowledge / levela fundamental / a basic / an elementary error / mistake fundamental / /ˌfʌndəˈmentl/ / (rather formal, especially written) serious and very important; concerning the most central and important parts of sth; forming the necessary basis of sth 十分重大的;根本的;基本的There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view.这两个观点有根本区别。A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required.公共医疗在组织架构上需要有一个根本性的变革。Hard work is fundamental to success.勤奋工作是成功的基础。 see also fundamentals basics fundamentally


The two approaches are fundamentally different.这两种处理方法完全不同。By the 1960s the situation had changed fundamentally.到20世纪60年代形势已发生了根本的变化。
underlying / /ˌʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ; NAmE ˌʌndərˈlaɪɪŋ/ [only before noun] (rather formal, especially written) important in a situation but not always easily noticed or stated clearly 根本的;潜在的;隐含的The underlying assumption is that the amount of money available is limited.隐含的假定是,可用的资金有限。Unemployment may be an underlying cause of the rising crime rate.失业可能是犯罪率攀升的潜在原因。Typical collocates of underlying include cause, assumption, reason, motive, trend, theme, problem, reality and aim. * underlying的常见搭配词有cause、assumption、reason、motive、trend、theme、problem、reality和aim。 radical /ˈrædɪkl/ / [usually before noun] (rather formal, especially written) (of changes or differences) concerning the most central and important parts of sth; thorough and complete (变革或差异)根本的,彻底的;完全的There have been demands for radical reform of the law.一直就有对法律进行彻底变革的要求。This document marks a radical departure from earlier recommendations.这份文件标志着对先前建议的完全背离。 see also radical radical adj. radically


The new methods are radically different from the old.新方法迥然异于老方法。Attitudes have changed radically.态度发生了根本的转变。
NOTE 辨析 Fundamental or radical?A fundamental change or difference is one that involves the whole structure of a system or the principles on which sth is based. A radical change is an important change which has wide-ranging effects. * fundamental指变革或差异涉及一项制度的整体结构或事物的基本原则,radical指变革重大且影响广泛。
basic concerning the most central and important parts of sth from which other things develop 基本的;基础的They haven't even given us the most basic information we need.连我们所需要的最基本的信息他们都还未提供。During the first term, we will concentrate on the basic principles of law.第一学期我们将着重讲授法律的基本原则。Drums are basic to African music.鼓是非洲音乐的基本乐器。 Basic can also be used before a noun to mean 'necessary and important to all people'. * basic用在名词前亦可表示“必需的、基本需要的”Aren't food and shelter basic human rights?享有食物和住所难道不是基本人权吗?The report sets out the cost of basic foods in several European countries.报告陈述了几个欧洲国家基本食物的费用。 see also basics basics basically


Yes, that's basically correct.对,基本正确。There have been some problems but basically it's a good system.虽然出现过一些问题,但从根本上说这仍不失为一个好系统。
essential [only before noun] connected with the most important aspect or basic nature of sb/sth 本质的;基本的;根本的The essential difference between Sara and me is our attitude to money.我与萨拉的根本区别在于我们对金钱的态度。The essential character of the town has been destroyed by the new road.这个城镇的主要特色被这条新马路毁了。 see also essence nature 1 , essentials basics essentially


There are three essentially different ways of tackling the problem.解决这个问题有三种完全不同的方法。The pattern is essentially the same in all cases.这种模式在所有情况下基本相同。
NOTE 辨析 Basic or essential? Basic looks at things from a practical point of view, concentrating on what is important in order to do or understand sth. Essential looks at things from a more philosophical point of view, considering the very nature of things and what makes them different from or similar to other things. * basic指从实际的角度看问题,强调在操作或理解上的重点。essential更多从哲学的角度看问题,强调事物的本质及其异于或相似于他者的特征。
elementary / /ˌelɪˈmentri/ / (rather formal) concerning the most central and important matters or ideas 基本的;根本性的How could you make such an elementary mistake?你怎么能犯这种根本性错误?It's an elementary law of economics: the scarcer the commodity, the higher the price.这是经济学的基本法则:商品越稀缺,价格越高。When it is used to talk about education or learning, elementary usually describes a level or a stage in learning a subject. * elementary修饰教育或学习时意思是初级的、基础的I'm taking classes in elementary Italian.我在上意大利语基础课程。 ultimate [only before noun] from which sth originally comes 根本的;基本的;根源的the ultimate truths of philosophy and science哲学和科学的终极原理We could not trace the ultimate source of the rumours.我们不可能查出这些谣言的最初源头。 ultimately


All life depends ultimately on oxygen.一切生命归根到底都要依赖氧气。
rudimentary / /ˌruːdɪˈmentri/ / (formal) concerning only the most basic matters or ideas 基础的;基本的His understanding of the language is very rudimentary.他对这门语言仅有初步的认识。They were given only rudimentary training in the job.他们仅仅受过基本的职业训练。Rudimentary most often describes knowledge, understanding, skill or training. * rudimentary最常描述knowledge、understanding、skill或training。


basics ♦︎ fundamentals ♦︎ introduction ♦︎ essentials ♦︎ practicalitiesThese are all words for the most important things, facts or knowledge that people need in a particular situation. 这些词均表示基本要素、基础知识。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the / a basic fundamentals / introduction / essentialsto teach / grasp the basics / fundamentals / essentialsto learn / master the basics / fundamentalsto understand / know / cover / concentrate on the basics / essentials basics [plural] the most important and necessary facts, skills or ideas from which other things develop 基本因素(或原理、原则、规律)I need to learn the basics of computer programming.我需要学习计算机编程的基础知识。Managers should get back to basics and examine the kind of products people really want.管理层应当回归根本,认真考虑人们真正需要什么样的产品。 see also basic fundamental fundamentals [plural] (rather formal, especially written) the most important rules or principles of an area of knowledge; the most important parts of sth (某一知识领域的)基本规律,根本法则;基础He wrote 'The Fundamentals of Modern Physics'.他撰写了《现代物理学基本原理》。She taught me the fundamentals of the job.她教给了我这份工作的基本知识。 see also fundamental fundamental introduction [countable] a book or programme of study for people beginning to study a subject 初级读物;入门课程'An Introduction to Astronomy'《天文学入门》It's a useful introduction to an extremely complex subject.这是对一门极复杂学科的有益入门教程。 see also introductory first essentials [plural] the most important facts or principles in an area of knowledge (某一知识领域的)要点,要素,根本法则We will concentrate on the essentials of English grammar.我们将重点学习英语语法基础。 see also essential fundamental NOTE 辨析 Basics, fundamentals or essentials?In many cases you can use any of these words. However, basics are usually the most practical, concerned with how to do things that you need to do, or how things work in practice. 这三个词在许多情况下可以通用。不过,basics通常与实践最紧密相关,涉及如何操作或者事物实践中如何运转the basics of dinghy sailing / good nutrition / how to set it up and operate it舢板航行/获取充足营养/安装和操作的要点 Essentials are often slightly more theoretical, concerned with how things work in theory and practice. * essentials常较侧重理论方面,涉及事物在理论上和实践中如何运转the essentials of arithmetic / design / how we communicate using language算术/设计/使用语言交流的基本法则 Fundamentals are the most theoretical, concerned with the ideas and principles on which systems, knowledge and beliefs are based. * fundamentals是三个词中与理论最密切相关的,涉及作为制度、知识和信仰基础的观念和原则the fundamentals of Christian belief / microbiology / the western concept of law基督教信仰/微生物学/西方法律概念的基本原理 practicalities [plural] the real facts and circumstances rather than ideas or theories 实际事物;实际情况It sounds like a good idea; let's look at the practicalities and work out the costs.这个主意听起来不错,咱们来看看实际运作,计算一下费用。People usually consider, look at or discuss the practicalities of a situation. 通常说consider/look at/discuss the practicalities of sth(考虑/研究/讨论⋯的实际情况)。 see also practical realistic 1


need ♦︎ requirement ♦︎ necessity ♦︎ essential ♦︎ wantThese words are all words for sth that you need, or a situation in which sth is necessary. 这些词均表示必需品或必要、需要。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a need / requirement / necessity for sthbasic needs / requirements / necessities / essentialsa / an pressing / urgent / immediate / absolute / fundamental need / requirement / necessitya political / social / physical need / requirement / necessityhuman / bodily needs / wantsthe bare necessities / essentialsto have a need / a requirement / wantsto meet / satisfy sb's needs / requirements / wantsto understand / be aware of / remove / reduce the need / requirement / necessity for sth need [singular, uncountable] the fact that sth must happen or be done 必要;需要;必须There is an urgent need for qualified teachers.迫切需要合格教师。There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.你明天不必早起。I had no need to open the letter-I knew what it would say.我没必要拆开那封信-我知道里面会说些什么。The house is in need of a thorough clean.这房子需要来个大扫除。Your needs [plural] are the things that you must have in order to live in a comfortable way or achieve what you want. 复数形式的needs指达至生活舒适或成就某事所需要的事物First we will assess your financial needs.我们首先会评估你经济上的需要。Your role will be to support children with special educational needs.你的职责是帮助有特殊教育需要的儿童。 see also need desire noun requirement [countable] (formal) something that you need or want 所需的(或想要的)东西Our immediate requirement is extra staff.我们急需增加人手。These goods are surplus to requirements (= more than we need).这些货物超过了我们的需要。 necessity / /nəˈsesəti/ / [countable] (rather formal) the fact that sth must happen or be done; sth that you must have and cannot manage without 必要;需要;必需的事物;必需品There had never been any necessity for her to go out to work.她从来就没有出去工作的必要。Many people cannot even afford basic necessities such as food and clothing.许多人甚至买不起食物和衣服之类的基本必需品。Air-conditioning is an absolute necessity in this climate.这样的气候绝对需要有空调。 see also necessitate mean verb 3 essential [countable, usually plural] something that you must have in a particular situation or in order to do a particular thing 必不可少的东西;必需品I only had time to pack the bare essentials (= the most necessary things).我只来得及装上最基本的用品。The studio had all the essentials like heating and running water.工作室里备有基本设施,如暖气装置和自来水。Essentials are often described as bare or basic. 常用bare或basic描述essentials。 see also essential essential adj. want [countable, usually plural] something that you must have and cannot manage without, especially in order to live (尤指维持生存所需的)必需品;需要的东西The snail does not need to travel far to satisfy all its bodily wants.蜗牛不必爬远就能满足身体的所有需要。 see also want desire noun NOTE 辨析 Necessities, essentials or wants? Wants are usually the most basic and physical of these: things that your body needs in order to go on living; the most common collocates are human and bodily. Essentials are usually more practical: the basic things that you need in order to do a particular thing or activity. Necessities is a more general word and can cover both physical and practical needs. 这些词中,wants通常是最基本和最实质的东西,即身体为维持生存所需的东西,最常见的搭配词是human和bodily。essentials通常更实际一些,指做特定的事或活动所需要的基本东西。necessities含义更广,既可指身体的需要,也可指实务上的需要。




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