

单词 smile
smile verb


smile ♦︎ grin ♦︎ beam ♦︎ smirk ♦︎ simperThese words all mean to have a happy expression on your face with the corners of your mouth turned upwards. 这些词均表示笑。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达笑的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to smile / grin / beam / smirk / simper at sb / sthto smile / grin / beam / smirk with sthto smile / grin / smirk to yourselfto smile / grin / beam broadly / widely / happily / cheerfully / from ear to earto smile / grin / smirk slightly / maliciously smile [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to have or make a happy expression appear on your face with the corners of your mouth turned upwards; to say or express sth with this expression 笑;微笑;微笑着说;微笑地表示She smiled at him and he smiled back.她冲他笑笑,他也冲她笑笑。I had to smile at (= was amused by) his optimism.对他的乐观态度,我只好一笑置之。The memory still made her smile.那段回忆仍然会使她微笑。She smiled a smile of dry amusement.她心里觉得很滑稽,却只是含蓄地微微一笑。'Perfect,' he smiled.“好极了。”他微笑着说。OPP frown frown smile


[countable] He had a big smile on his face.他笑容满面。
grin (-nn-) [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to smile widely; to say or express sth with a wide smile 露齿而笑;咧着嘴笑;咧嘴笑着说(或表示)He was grinning from ear to ear.他笑得合不拢嘴。'Don't be daft,' he grinned.“别犯傻了。”他咧嘴一笑说。OPP scowl frown grin


[countable] Take that grin off your face!别嬉皮笑脸的!
beam [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to have a big happy smile on your face; to say or express sth with a big happy smile 笑容满面;眉开眼笑;满面笑容地说(或表示)She was positively beaming with pleasure.她显然喜不自胜。'I'd love to come,' she beamed.“我很乐意来。”她满面笑容地说。NOTE 辨析 Grin or beam?People always beam with happiness or pleasure; a grin can show happiness or pleasure, but it can also show stupidity, embarrassment or amusement, including slightly unkind amusement at sb else. * beam总是指高兴或愉快地笑;grin可指高兴或愉快地笑,但也可指愚蠢、尴尬地笑或觉得好笑而笑,有时略含嘲笑人的意味to grin inanely / sheepishly / apologetically / ruefully / wryly / cheekily / wickedly / maliciously咧嘴憨笑;难为情地咧嘴一笑;抱歉地笑;惨然一笑;苦笑;厚颜无耻地龇牙一笑;顽皮地咧嘴一笑;恶意地笑 smirk /smɜːk; NAmE smɜːrk/ [intransitive] (disapproving) to smile in a silly or unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased with yourself, are secretly laughing at sb or know sth that other people do not know 自鸣得意地笑;别有用心地笑What are you smirking at?你在偷偷笑什么?He smirked unpleasantly when we told him the bad news.我们把坏消息告诉他时,他脸上现出一丝奸笑。 smirk


[countable] She had a self-satisfied smirk on her face.她脸上一副扬扬得意的笑容。
simper [intransitive, transitive] (written, disapproving) to smile in a silly and annoying way 矫揉造作地笑;扭捏作态地笑She was nothing like the silly, simpering village girls back home.她一点都不像家乡那些扭捏作态、嘻嘻傻笑的乡下女孩子。'You're such a darling,' she simpered.“你可真讨人喜欢。”她卖弄风情地笑着说。




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