

单词 unpredictable
unpredictable adj.
moody (an unpredictable personality) surprising (unpredictable weather)


 See also the entry for irritable 另见irritable条moody ♦︎ unpredictable ♦︎ volatile ♦︎ excitable ♦︎ temperamentalThese words all describe sb whose mood or behaviour can change quickly. 这些词均形容人情绪多变的、行为莫测的、喜怒无常的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an unpredictable / a volatile character / personalityunpredictable / volatile behavioura moody / an unpredictable manhighly unpredictable / volatile / excitable moody (disapproving) (of a person) having moods that change quickly and often; bad-tempered or upset, often for no particular reason (人)情绪多变的,喜怒无常的,脾气坏的,郁郁寡欢的Moody people can be very difficult to deal with.喜怒无常的人往往很难打交道。 see also mood temper unpredictable / /ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəbl/ / if a person or their behaviour is unpredictable, you cannot predict how they will behave in a particular situation (人或其行为)善变的,难以捉摸的Her behaviour became so unpredictable when she had been drinking.她一酗酒行为就变得不可捉摸。OPP predictable predictable 2 volatile / /ˈvɒlətaɪl; NAmE ˈvɑːlətl/ (sometimes disapproving) (of a person or their moods) changing quickly from one mood to another, especially the opposite (人或其情绪)易变的,无定性的,无常性的She was a more volatile personality than her sister.跟她姐姐相比,她更没有定性。 excitable /ɪkˈsaɪtəbl/ / (of people or animals) likely to become easily excited (人或动物)易激动的,易兴奋的She had trouble controlling the class of excitable ten-year-olds.她很难管束班里这些易兴奋的十岁儿童。OPP calm calm adj. temperamental / /ˌtemprəˈmentl/ / (usually disapproving) (of a person) having a tendency to become angry, excited or upset easily, and to behave in an unreasonable way (人)喜怒无常的,容易激动的,反复无常的You never know what to expect with her. She's so temperamental.你永远不知道她要干什么,她一时一变。


 See also the entry for amazing 另见amazing条surprising ♦︎ unexpected ♦︎ unpredictable ♦︎ extraordinary ♦︎ unforeseen ♦︎ unforeseeableThese words all describe things that surprise you because you did not expect them. 这些词均表示令人吃惊的、出乎意料的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配surprising / unexpected / unpredictable / extraordinary / unforeseen eventssurprising / unexpected / unpredictable / extraordinary / unforeseen effects / changessurprising / unexpected / unpredictable / extraordinary resultsa surprising / an unexpected / an extraordinary / an unforeseen developmentunexpected / unpredictable / extraordinary / unforeseen demand / problemsunexpected / extraordinary / unforeseen / unforeseeable circumstancesquite surprising / unexpected / unpredictable / extraordinary / unforeseentotally unexpected / unpredictable / unforeseenvery / rather surprising / unexpected / unpredictable / extraordinary surprising causing surprise 令人吃惊的;使人惊奇的;出人意料的;奇怪的It is not surprising (that) they lost.他们吃败仗并不奇怪。It is surprising how quickly rumours spread.谣言传播得如此之快,真令人吃惊。It's surprising what people will do for money.人为了钱什么都肯干,想想真令人愕然。The surprising thing is how little it costs.出人意料的是它只花很少钱。I find that rather surprising.我觉得这事很出人意料。Quite a surprising number of people turned up.到场的人出奇地多。Surprising is by far the most frequent and most general of these words and can describe any fact or event that causes surprise. * surprising在本组词中最常用,含义最广,可以描述任何令人吃惊的事实或事件。 OPP unsurprising predictable 1 surprisingly


The event was surprisingly popular.这项活动出奇地受欢迎。Not surprisingly, the request was refused.毫不奇怪地,那个要求被拒绝了。
unexpected not expected and therefore surprising 出乎意料的;始料不及的We had an unexpected visitor this morning.今天上午我们来了一位意外的访客。Although not unexpected, his death had still come as a shock.虽然有心理准备,但他的死讯还是让大家感到震惊。The following day something quite unexpected happened.第二天发生了一件非常意外的事。Unexpected can describe either an event that you did not expect to happen, or a person, when they do sth that you did not expect them to do. * unexpected可描述让人始料不及的事件,或做了出乎意料之事的人。 the unexpected


[singular] Police officers must be prepared for the unexpected.警察必须随时准备应付突发事件。


The plane was unexpectedly delayed.飞机意外地延误了。They encountered an unexpectedly high level of demand.他们遇到了预料之外的大量需求。
unpredictable that cannot be predicted because it changes a lot or depends on too many different things 无法预言的;不可预测的;难以预料的The result is entirely unpredictable.结果是完全无法预料的。The unpredictable weather in the mountains can make climbing extremely hazardous.山里那变幻莫测的天气可以使登山变得异常危险。OPP predictable predictable 1 extraordinary unexpected, surprising or strange 意想不到的;令人惊奇的;奇怪的It's extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party.真想不到他竟然能够从聚会开始一直睡到结束。What an extraordinary thing to say!真是咄咄怪事! see also extraordinary remarkable unforeseen /ˌʌnfɔːˈsiːn; NAmE ˌʌnfɔːrˈsiːn/ (rather formal) that you did not expect to happen 未想到的;始料不及的We reserve the right to alter the timetable in the event of unforeseen circumstances.我们保留在遇到意外情况时变更时刻表的权利。NOTE 辨析 Unexpected or unforeseen? Unforeseen is more formal than unexpected and only describes events, not people. 与unexpected相比,unforeseen更正式些,且只能修饰事件,不能修饰人an unforeseen visitor unforeseeable /ˌʌnfɔːˈsiːəbl; NAmE ˌʌnfɔːrˈsiːəbl/ (rather formal) that you cannot predict 无法预见的;难以预测的You need to allow for any unforeseeable expenses.你需要将无法预见的花费计算在内。OPP foreseeable predictable 1




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