

单词 uproar
uproar noun
chaos (The trial ended in uproar.) fuss (provoke an uproar from environmentalists)


 See also the entry for mess 2 另见mess条第2义chaos ♦︎ confusion ♦︎ mess ♦︎ commotion ♦︎ mayhem ♦︎ havoc ♦︎ shambles ♦︎ pandemonium ♦︎ uproarThese are all words for a state of confusion and lack of order. 这些词均表示混乱无序。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in chaos / (the) confusion / a mess / the commotion / the mayhem / a shambles / pandemonium / (an) uproar(a) complete / total chaos / confusion / mess / mayhem / shambles / pandemoniumgeneral chaos / confusion / commotion / mayhem / pandemonium(a) great confusion / commotion / uproarto cause chaos / confusion / a mess / a commotion / mayhem / havoc / pandemonium / (an) uproarto create chaos / confusion / a mess / mayhem / havocto bring chaos / mayhem / havocto sort out the chaos / mess / shambleschaos / a commotion / mayhem / pandemonium / uproar breaks outchaos / confusion / pandemonium reignsThere is / was chaos / confusion / a commotion / mayhem / pandemonium / uproar.It is / was chaos / a mess / mayhem / a shambles / pandemonium. chaos / /ˈkeɪɒs; NAmE ˈkeɪɑːs/ [uncountable] a situation in which things are happening in a confused way and there is no order or control at all 混乱;杂乱;紊乱Heavy flooding is causing total chaos across the country.严重的洪涝正导致全国陷入混乱。The house was in chaos after the party.聚会后,房子里一片狼藉。People started shouting and the meeting descended into chaos.人们叫喊起来,会议陷入混乱。OPP order efficiency chaotic /keɪˈɒtɪk; NAmE keɪˈɑːtɪk/


It's a bit chaotic around here at the moment.眼下这儿有点混乱。Amid chaotic scenes in court, the long-awaited verdict was announced.在一片混乱中,法庭宣布了等待很久的判决。
confusion [uncountable] a situation in which a lot of things are happening at the same time and people do not know what action to take (让人不知所措的)混乱局面,乱成一团The protesters set off smoke bombs to create confusion and panic.抗议者点燃烟幕弹,制造混乱和恐慌。The local council has been thrown into total confusion by her resignation.她辞职后,地方议会完全陷入混乱状态。NOTE 辨析 Chaos or confusion? Chaos generally describes a total lack of order in a system or situation; confusion is mainly used about a group of people who suddenly don't know what to do. * chaos一般指系统或局面完全失控,confusion主要指一群人突然不知所措。 mess [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a situation that is full of problems because of a lack of organization or because people have made mistakes (组织欠佳或人为导致的)麻烦,困境,混乱The economy is in a mess.经济陷入了困境。The whole situation is a mess.整件事就是一团糟。I feel I've made a terrible mess of things.我觉得我把事情弄糟了。A new managing director has been appointed to clear up the financial mess.新任命了一位常务董事来收拾财务的残局。Who got us into this mess in the first place?首先,究竟是谁让我们惹上这样的麻烦? messy


The divorce was painful and messy.那次离婚既痛苦又纠缠不清。
commotion /kəˈməʊʃn; NAmE kəˈmˈmoʊʃn/ [countable, usually singular, uncountable] sudden noisy confusion or excitement (突然发生的)喧闹,骚乱,骚动I heard a commotion upstairs and went to see what was happening.我听到楼上一阵喧闹,便去看看发生了什么事情。She waited until the commotion died down.她一直等着,直到骚乱渐渐平息。 mayhem /ˈmeɪhem/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) confusion and fear, sometimes involving violence or injury, usually caused by some sudden shocking event (由突发的恐惧导致的)骚乱,慌乱The gales caused mayhem across much of the country.狂风在该国大部分地区造成了混乱。The terrorists brought mayhem to the crowded shopping area.恐怖分子在人流密集的商业区制造恐慌。 havoc / /ˈhævək/ / [uncountable] a situation in which there are a lot of problems and confusion because of the bad effect of sth 灾害;祸患;混乱This new virus has created havoc for computer users.这种新病毒已经给计算机用户造成灾难。The fog is playing havoc with flight schedules.大雾严重打乱航班时刻表。Continuing strikes are beginning to wreak havoc on the economy.持续的罢工开始严重破坏经济。 shambles [singular] (rather informal) a situation that is completely unsuccessful because of a lack of organization or because people have made mistakes (组织欠佳或人为导致的)混乱局面,无序场面,一片狼藉The economy was in a shambles last year.去年的经济一片混乱。Our defending was a complete shambles.我们的防守完全是一团糟。What a shambles!好乱哪!NOTE 辨析 Mess or shambles? Shambles is a stronger word than mess and suggests a situation in which organization has broken down completely. * shambles比mess语气更强烈,指秩序完全瘫痪的局面。 pandemonium /ˌpændəˈməʊniəm; NAmE ˌpændəˈmoʊniəm/ [uncountable] (rather formal) a situation in which there is a lot of noise, activity and confusion, especially because people are feeling angry or frightened (尤指因人群愤怒或恐慌而造成的)骚动,喧嚣Pandemonium broke out when the news was announced.这消息一公布,立即乱成一片。It was absolute pandemonium in there.那里完全是一片混乱。 uproar [uncountable, singular] a situation in which people shout and make a lot of noise because they are angry or upset about sth 吵闹;喧嚣;叫喊The trial ended in uproar.审判在吵闹中结束。Her comments provoked an uproar from the audience.她的评论激起了听众的鼓噪。


fuss ♦︎ storm ♦︎ outcry ♦︎ furore ♦︎ uproar ♦︎ sceneThese are all words for a situation in which people express strong feelings about sth, especially in public. 这些词均表示强烈的抗议、骚动,尤指群情激奋。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a fuss / an outcry / a furore / an uproar about stha fuss / a storm / an outcry / a furore / an uproar over sthamid a / the fuss / storm / furore / uproara great fuss / outcry / uproar / scenea public fuss / outcry / furore / uproara political storm / outcry / furore / uproarto cause a fuss / a storm / an outcry / a furore / an uproar / a sceneto create a fuss / a storm / a furore / an uproar / a sceneto make a fuss / sceneto provoke a storm / an outcry / an uproar fuss / /fʌs/ / [uncountable, singular] unnecessary excitement, worry or activity; anger or complaints about sth, especially sth that is not important 无谓的激动(或忧虑、活动);小题大做He does what he's told without any fuss.他不声不响地照吩咐办事。It's a very ordinary movie-I don't know what all the fuss is about (= why other people think it is so good).这是部很普通的电影,我不懂为什么会轰动一时。It was all a fuss about nothing.这完全是没事找事。Steve kicks up a fuss every time I even suggest seeing you.每次只要我提议看望你,史蒂夫就大吵大闹。 storm [countable] (rather informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) a situation in which people suddenly express strong feelings about sth, especially public anger or criticism in reaction to sth 群情激愤;批评的浪潮His comments created a storm of protest in the media.他的评论在媒体引起了抗议的浪潮。The government is determined to ride out the political storm sparked by its new immigration policy.面对新移民政策所引发的政治风暴,政府决心挺过去。 outcry / /ˈaʊtkraɪ/ / [countable, uncountable] a reaction of anger or strong protest shown by people in public 呐喊;怒吼;强烈的抗议There was a massive public outcry against the harsh prison sentence.监禁重判激起了公众大规模的强烈抗议。There was outcry at the judge's statement.法官的陈词引起一片哗然。 furore / /fjuˈrɔːri, ˈfjʊərɔː(r); NAmE ˈfjʊrɔːr/ ( furor /ˈfjʊərɔː(r); NAmE ˈfjʊrɔːr/ , especially in NAmE) [singular] great anger or excitement expressed by people, especially in reaction to a public event 群情激愤;骚动;轰动His resignation passed almost unnoticed amid the furore of the elections.在竞选的一片扰攘骚动中他的辞职几乎未受到注意。 uproar /ˈʌprɔː(r)/ / [singular, uncountable] a situation in which people suddenly express strong feelings about sth, especially angry argument or criticism in reaction to sth 群情激愤;批评的浪潮 (BrE) There was a great uproar over plans to pull down the old library.拆毁旧图书馆的计划引起了轩然大波。Financial markets were in uproar after the crash of the rouble.卢布暴跌后金融市场一片动荡。In American English say in an uproar. 在美式英语中用in an uproar。NOTE 辨析 Storm, outcry or uproar?These are all words for a public expression of anger, criticism or protest by a large number of people. Storm and uproar both suggest a noisy, confused situation with a lot of people complaining or protesting at once. Storm is used especially in journalism to talk about politics. Outcry can suggest a more united protest from a particular group of people who are angry at a particular bad or unfair thing. 这三个词均指大批民众公开表达愤怒、批评或抗议。storm和uproar均意味着许多人同时抱怨或抗议,场面吵闹又混乱。storm尤用于有关政治的新闻报道中。outcry意味着特定的群体因对某件不道德或不公正的事感到愤怒而发出抗议,行动更加协调一致。 scene [countable, usually singular] a loud, angry argument, especially one that happens in public and which is embarrassing because it draws people's attention (尤指有失体面的当众)争吵,吵闹There have been a couple of ugly scenes between him and the manager.他和经理之间有过几次极不愉快的争吵。She had made a scene in the middle of the party.她在聚会中间大闹了一场。




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