

单词 submit
submit verb
give way idiom (submit to threats) present3 (submit a report)
give way


give way ♦︎ give in ♦︎ submit ♦︎ bow to sth ♦︎ back down ♦︎ relent ♦︎ yieldThese words all mean to stop resisting pressure or demands from sb/sth. 这些词均表示让步、退让。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to give way / give in / submit / bow / yield to sb / sthto give way / give in / back down / relent on sthto give way / give in / submit / bow / yield to sb's demandsto give way / give in / submit / bow / yield to pressureto give in / submit to authorityto give in / yield to temptationto be forced to give way / give in / submit / bow to sth / back down / yieldto refuse to give in / submit / bow to sth / back down / yield give ˈway


(gave, given) (especially BrE) to stop resisting pressure or demands from sb, often by agreeing to do sth that you do not really want to do; to stop resisting an emotion (常为不情愿地)让步,退让;释放(感情)He refused to give way on any of the points.他拒绝在任何一点上让步。In the end she always gave way to him because she could not bear his moods.到最后她总是迁就他,因为她很怕他发脾气。She never gave way to anger.她从不动怒。
ˌgive ˈin

phrasal verb

(gave, given)to give way to sb/sth 让步;退让The authorities have shown no signs of giving in to the kidnappers' demands.当局对绑架者的要求没有丝毫让步的迹象。He reluctantly gave in to the pressure.他不情愿地屈从于压力了。In the end, they were forced to give in.最后,他们被迫屈服了。 OPP resist resist NOTE 辨析 Give way or give in?In many cases you can use either word. Give way is used more often than give in when you are talking about giving way to a person, rather than to sb's demands or pressure; you can also give way but not give in to an emotion. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。表示向某人,而非某人的要求或压力让步时,give way比give in常用。give way to的宾语还可以是情绪,give in to则不可She never gave in to anger.
submit / /səbˈmɪt/ /


(-tt-) [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to accept the authority, control or greater strength of sb/sth; to agree to sth because of this 顺从;屈服;投降;不得已接受She refused to submit to threats.面对威胁,她拒不低头。He submitted himself to a search by the guards.他只好让卫兵搜查。 OPP resist resist see also submissive passive
ˈbow to sth / /baʊ/ /

phrasal verb

to agree unwillingly to do sth because other people want you to 屈从于He felt he had to bow to her wishes.他感觉必须顺从她的意愿。She bowed to the inevitable (= accepted a situation in which she had no choice) and resigned.她迫于无奈,只得辞职。
ˌback ˈdown

phrasal verb

to take back a demand or opinion that other people are strongly opposed to 让步,退让(指放弃别人强烈反对的要求或主张)She refused to back down on a point of principle.她拒绝在一个原则问题上让步。We cannot back down from the decision, which we believe is right and just.这个决定我们不能让步,我们坚信它是正确公正的。 see also retreat withdraw 2
relent / /rɪˈlent/ /


[intransitive] (rather formal) to finally agree to sth after refusing 终于答应;不再拒绝'Well, just for a little while then,' she said, finally relenting.“好吧,不过只能待一会儿。”她最后终于答应了。
yield / /jiːld/ /


[intransitive] (rather formal, written) to stop resisting pressure or demands from sb/sth; to stop resisting your own desires (因外界压力或要求,或因自己的欲望)屈服,顺从After a long siege, the town was forced to yield.长时间被围困之后,这座城镇被迫投降。I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar.我经不住诱惑,吃了一条巧克力棒。


present a new product 推出新产品present sth as a victory 把某事描述成胜利present a report 提交报告present a TV show 主持电视节目present ♦︎ submit ♦︎ file ♦︎ hand sth in ♦︎ lodge ♦︎ table ♦︎ send sth in ♦︎ register ♦︎ put sth inThese words all mean to offer sth for other people to consider or deal with. 这些词均表示提出、提交。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to present / submit / hand sth in / send in / put in sth to sbto present / submit / file / lodge / send in / register / put in an applicationto present / submit / file / lodge / register / put in a claim / complaintto present / submit / file / lodge an appealto submit / file / lodge / register a / an objection / protestto present / submit / put in a proposal / requestto present / submit / table a bill / motion / resolutionto present / register / send in your viewsto present / submit / file / send in a reportto formally present / submit / file / table / register sth present [transitive] to offer sth for other people to consider 提出;提交Eight options were presented for consideration.已提出八种备选方案供审议。Are you presenting a paper at the conference?你要在大会上宣读论文吗?He presents a convincing case.他展示了一个有说服力的案例。 presentation


[uncountable] The trial was adjourned following the presentation of new evidence to the court.新证据呈给法庭后,审讯就宣告暂停。
submit / /səbˈmɪt/ / (-tt-) [transitive] (rather formal) to give a document or proposal to sb in authority so that they can study or consider it 提交,呈递(文件或建议)They have submitted an application for planning permission to build an extension.他们已经提交了扩建申请。Completed projects must be submitted by 10 March.完成的方案必须在3月10号前提交。 submission / /səbˈmɪʃn/ /


[uncountable] When is the date for the submission of proposals?哪一天要提交建议书?
file [transitive, intransitive] to submit a legal document, claim or charge so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with; (of a journalist) to send a report or story to a newspaper or news organization 提交(法律文件);提出(索赔申请);提起(诉讼);(记者)发送(报道给报社)He filed a lawsuit against the company for $100 000 in damages.他向这家公司提起诉讼,要求赔偿10万元的损害赔偿金。She decided to file for divorce.她决定提出离婚申请。More than one correspondent filed a story describing the spectacle of a cruise missile travelling up the street.不止一个新闻记者撰写报道描述巡航导弹穿越街头的壮观场面。You can also file a suit, a claim, a petition, an appeal, an application, charges or for bankruptcy. 与file搭配的词还有suit、claim、petition、appeal、application、charge或for bankruptcy。 ˌhand sth ˈin

phrasal verb

to give sth to a person in authority, especially a piece of work or sth that is lost 提交,呈交,上交(尤指书面材料或失物)You must hand in this homework by the end of the week.这份作业必须在周末前上交。I handed the watch in to the police.我把那块表交给了警察。I advise you to hand in your notice (= formally tell your employer that you want to stop working for them).我建议你递交辞呈。
lodge [transitive] (formal) to make a formal statement about sth to a public organization or authority (向公共机构或当局)正式提出(声明)They lodged a compensation claim against the factory.他们向工厂提出了赔偿要求。Portugal has lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice.葡萄牙已经向国际法院提出申诉。You can also lodge an appeal, an application, an objection or a protest. * lodge还可以与appeal、application、objection或protest搭配。 table [transitive] (BrE) to present sth formally for discussion 把⋯提交讨论They have tabled a motion for debate at the next Party Conference.他们已经提出一项动议,在下次党大会上进行辩论。You can also table an amendment, a motion, a question or a resolution. * table还可以与amendment、motion、question或resolution搭配。 See also the entry for propose 另见propose条 ˌsend sth ˈin

phrasal verb

(sent, sent)to send sth by post to a place where it will be dealt with 寄去(处理)Have you sent in your application yet?你的申请书寄出去了吗?
register [transitive] (formal) to make your opinion known officially or publicly (正式地或公开地)发表意见,提出主张China has registered a protest over foreign intervention.中国对外国干涉正式提出了抗议。You can also register your view, opinion, disapproval or a complaint. When you register your opinion, you are usually making your disapproval of sth known. * register还可以与view、opinion、disapproval或complaint搭配。register通常指公开表态反对某事。 ˌput sth ˈin

phrasal verb

(putting, put, put)to officially make a claim or request 正式提出(索赔或要求)The company has put in a claim for damages.这家公司已经提出赔偿损失的要求。You can also put in a bid, an offer, a request or a proposal. * put in还可以与bid、offer、request或proposal搭配。




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