

单词 convey
convey verb
convey (Colours like red convey a sense of energy.) carry2 (Pipes convey hot water from the boiler.)


 See also the entry for tell 1 另见tell条第1义convey ♦︎ send ♦︎ communicate ♦︎ relay ♦︎ repeat ♦︎ impart ♦︎ get sth across ♦︎ pass sth on ♦︎ breakThese words all mean to make sure sb receives and understands information, ideas or feelings about sth. 这些词均表示传达或传递信息、思想或感情。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to convey / send / communicate / relay / repeat / impart / get across / pass on / break sth to sbto convey / communicate / relay / repeat / break it to sb that...to convey / communicate / relay / repeat to sb what...to convey / send / communicate / relay / repeat / impart / get across / pass on a messageto convey / communicate / get across your ideasto convey / pass on / break the newsto convey sth / communicate sth / get sth across clearly / effectively convey / /kənˈveɪ/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to make information, ideas or feelings known to sb 表达,传递(信息、思想或感情)He tried desperately to convey how urgent the situation was.他竭尽全力想要说明情况是多么紧急。Colours like red convey a sense of energy and strength.红色之类的颜色给人充满活力与力量的感觉。 (formal, spoken) Please convey my apologies to your wife.请向你的妻子转达我的歉意。 send (sent, sent) [transitive] to tell sb sth in a message 传达;转致;告知My parents send their love.我父母问您好。What sort of message is the irresponsible behaviour of these celebrities sending to young people?这些名人不负责任的行为向年轻人传达的是何种信息? (formal or literary) She sent word that she could not come.她传来了信儿说她来不了。 communicate [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal) to make information, ideas or feelings known to other people 传达,传递(信息、思想或感情)He was eager to communicate his ideas to the group.他急于把他的想法传达给小组。Her nervousness was communicating itself to the children.她紧张不安的情绪传递给了孩子们。Candidates must be able to communicate effectively.候选人必须善于表达。 see also communication communication , communication letter , communicator speaker 1 NOTE 辨析 Convey or communicate?You can convey information, an idea or a feeling to one other person, a group of people or people in general. You can communicate sth to a group of people or people in general, but not usually to one other person. * convey指向另一个人、一组人或公众传递信息、想法或感觉。communicate的对象可以是一组人或公众,但一般不是单个的人Please communicate my apologies to your wife. Convey must take an object, which must be different from the subject. * convey必须带宾语,而宾语不能和主语是相同的人或事物Her nervousness was conveying itself to the children. Candidates must be able to convey effectively. relay /ˈriːleɪ, rɪˈleɪ/ [transitive] (rather formal) to give information to sb else after receiving it yourself 转发(信息)He relayed the message to his boss.他把这个消息转给了他的老板。Instructions were relayed to her by phone.指令通过电话转达给她了。 repeat [transitive] to tell sb sth that you have heard or been told by sb else 转述;转告I don't want you to repeat a word of this to anyone.这些话你对任何人都不要提起。The rumour has been widely repeated in the press.报界广泛转载了这个传闻。Why did you go and repeat what I said to Ian?你为什么把我说的话告诉了伊恩? see also repeat repeat 1 impart /ɪmˈpɑːt; NAmE ɪmˈpɑːrt/ [transitive] (formal) to pass information or knowledge to other people 通知;透露;传授Her aim was not merely to impart knowledge, but rather to help students learn for themselves.她的目的不只是传授知识,而是帮助学生自主学习。 ˌget sth aˈcross

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (rather informal) to succeed in communicating sth 把⋯讲清楚He's not very good at getting his ideas across.他不太善于清楚地表达自己的思想。
ˌpass sth ˈon

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to give information to sb else after receiving it yourself 转发(信息)I passed your message on to my mother.我把你的留言转告我妈了。You can also pass on things other than information. 除信息之外,pass on的宾语也可以是物品。 see also pass sth on pass sth on
break (broke, broken) [transitive, intransitive] to be the first to tell sb some bad news, especially in a kind way; (of news) to become known (第一个将坏消息)透露,说出(尤其以善意的方式);(消息)透露,传开I don't know how to break it to him.我不知道该怎么告诉他这件事。Just break the news to her gently.就把这个消息委婉地告诉她吧。There was a public outcry when the scandal broke.丑闻一传开,舆论一片哗然。


carry a bag/child 携带手提包;抱小孩Pipes carry the water away. 管道将水输送出去。carry ♦︎ convey ♦︎ transmit ♦︎ conductThese words all mean to take sth, especially sth that flows such as water or electricity, from one place to another. 这些词均表示输送、传输、传送水或电等流动的东西。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to carry / convey / transmit sth to / from sthto carry / transmit sth through sthto transmit / conduct heat carry [transitive] to contain and direct a flow of liquid, gas or electricity 输送,传输,传送(液体、气体或电)The pipelines carry oil across Siberia.管道横贯西伯利亚输送石油。Blood vessels carry blood to every part of the body.血管将血液输送到身体各处。 convey / /kənˈveɪ/ / [transitive] (formal) to take or transport sth from one place to another 传送;运送;输送Pipes convey hot water to the radiators.管道把热水输送到暖气片。The stone was conveyed by river to the site.河水将石头带到那一处。 transmit (-tt-) [transitive] (physics 物理) (of a substance) to allow heat, light, sound or another form of energy to pass through (物质)传(热、光、声或其他能量形式);透(光)Steam only transmits heat when it condenses.蒸汽只有在冷凝时才传导热能。This chapter explains how sounds are transmitted through the air.本章讲解声音如何在空气中传导。 conduct / /kənˈdʌkt/ / [transitive] (physics 物理) (of a substance) to allow heat or electricity to pass through (物质)传导(热或电)Copper conducts electricity better than other materials do.铜的导电性能比其他材料好。




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