

单词 delve into sth
delve into sth phrase


investigate ♦︎ explore ♦︎ look into sth ♦︎ research ♦︎ probe ♦︎ enquire into sth ♦︎ delve into sthThese words all mean to examine sth in order to find out more about it. 这些词均表示调查、探究、查考。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to look / research / probe / enquire / delve into sthto investigate / explore / look into / research / enquire into what / why / how / whether...to investigate / explore / look into / research / enquire into a problem / matterto investigate / explore / look into / research / delve into a subjectto investigate / look into / probe / enquire into an allegationto investigate / explore / probe furtherto look / enquire / delve further into sthto carefully investigate / explore / research sthto enquire carefully into sthto look / probe / enquire / delve deep / deeper / deeply into sthto investigate / explore / probe sth in detail investigate [intransitive, transitive] to carefully examine the facts of a situation, event or crime to find out the truth about it or how it happened; to try to find out information about sb's character or activities; to find out information about a subject or problem by study or research 调查;侦查;研究The FBI has been called in to investigate.联邦调查局奉命进行调查。 (informal) 'What was that noise?' 'I'll go and investigate.'“那是什么声音?”“我去看一下。”Police are investigating possible links between the two murders.警方正在调查这两起谋杀案之间是否存在关联。This is not the first time he has been investigated by the police for fraud.这不是警方第一次调查他是否有欺诈行为。The research investigates how foreign speakers gain fluency.这项研究调查了讲外语的人如何提高流利程度。 see also investigation report noun 1 explore [transitive] to examine or discuss an idea, issue or possibility completely or carefully in order to find out more about it 探究;调查研究;探讨These ideas will be explored in more detail in chapter 7.这些观点将在第7章里作更详细的探讨。The study explores the differences between the way girls and boys talk.这项研究探讨了女孩和男孩讲话方式的差异。We need to explore every possible avenue (= every possibility).我们需要探究一切可能的情况。 see also exploration research noun ˌlook ˈinto sth

phrasal verb

to examine sth to find out more about it or to see whether it is possible 调查;审查A working party has been set up to look into the problem.已成立一个工作小组来调查这个问题。He was asked to look into the feasibility of a trial.他受命调查审判的可行性。
research [transitive, intransitive] to study sth carefully and in detail to try to discover new facts about it 研究;探讨;调查She's in New Zealand researching her new book.她在新西兰为她的新书搜集材料。The book has been poorly researched.这本书所作的研究不足。They're researching into new ways of improving people's diets.他们正在研究改进人们饮食的新方法。People research things especially in order to write a book, develop a new product or method of doing sth or start a new line of business. * research尤指为写书、开发新产品、找到新方法或开发新业务而作调查研究。 see also research research noun probe [intransitive, transitive] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to ask questions in order to find out secret or hidden information about sb/sth 盘问;追问;探究Jim changed the subject before she could probe any further.吉姆在她进一步盘问前换了个话题。He didn't like the media probing into his past.他不喜欢媒体追问他的过去。Scotland Yard to probe fraud allegations (= in a news headline) 苏格兰场将调查欺诈指控 enˈquire into sth ( inquire into sth, especially in NAmE)

phrasal verb

to find out more information about sth, especially by asking questions (尤指通过提问)调查,查究,询问He was instructed to enquire into where responsibility for the conflict lay.他受命调查谁该为冲突负责。Jack knew not to enquire too closely into the affairs of his uncle.杰克明白对他叔叔的事不要查得太紧。 see also enquiry research noun
delve into sth

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to try hard to find out more information about sth, especially sth complicated or difficult to find out about 探索,探究,查考(尤指复杂或难以查考之事)She had started to delve into her father's distant past.她开始探究父亲久远的过去。




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