

单词 execution
execution noun


execution ♦︎ the death penalty ♦︎ capital punishment ♦︎ hanging ♦︎ firing squad ♦︎ the electric chair ♦︎ the chair ♦︎ gallows ♦︎ scaffoldThese are all words for the act of killing a person as a legal punishment, or of ways of doing this. 这些词均表示处决或处决方式。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a public / mass execution / hangingto attend / watch / witness an execution / a hangingto face execution / the death penalty / the firing squad / the electric chair / the chairto send sb to the electric chair / gallows / scaffoldto abolish / bring back the death penalty / capital punishment / hanging / the electric chair execution [uncountable, countable] the act of killing sb, especially as a legal punishment 处决She faced execution by hanging for murder.她因谋杀要以绞刑处死。Over 200 executions were carried out last year.去年执行了200多起死刑。 see also execute kill the death penalty / /ˈdeθ penəlti/ / [singular] the punishment of being killed that is used in some countries for very serious crimes 死刑;极刑She spent many years campaigning for the abolition of the death penalty.她多年来一直奔走努力,要求废除死刑。This is a crime which carries the death penalty.这种罪行要处死刑的。 ˌcapital ˈpunishment [uncountable] punishment by death 死刑;极刑Public opinion was in favour of bringing back capital punishment.公众赞成重新启用死刑。NOTE 辨析 The death penalty or capital punishment?Both these terms can be used when you are talking about the existence of this type of punishment in a country's legal system. If you are talking about a particular instance of punishment by death, you should use the death penalty. 这两种表达皆可指一国司法体系中的死刑刑罚。但指某一具体死刑案例要用the death penaltyHe faces the death penalty for his crimes.他将因所犯下的罪行被处死。He faces capital punishment for his crimes. hanging [uncountable, countable] the practice of killing sb as a punishment by putting a rope around their neck and hanging them from a high place; an occasion when this happens 绞死;绞刑She was sentenced to death by hanging.她被判以绞刑处死。Attending public hangings was a popular pastime.过去观看公开执行绞刑是一种大众喜欢的消遣活动。 firing squad /ˈfaɪərɪŋ skwɒd; NAmE skwɑːd/ [countable + singular or plural verb, uncountable] a group of soldiers who are ordered to shoot and kill sb who is found guilty of a crime (枪决)行刑队She was executed by (a) firing squad.她被行刑队执行了枪决。 the eˌlectric ˈchair [singular](especially in the US) a chair in which criminals are killed by passing a powerful electric current through their bodies; the method of execution which uses this chair (尤指美国处决犯人的)电椅,电刑He was sent to the electric chair.他被送上电椅处决。They face death by the electric chair.他们要被电刑处死。 the chair [singular] (NAmE, informal) the electric chair 电椅;电刑I can't sit here and see an innocent man get the chair.我不能袖手旁观一名无辜的人受电刑。 gallows /ˈgæləʊz; NAmE ˈgæloʊz/ [countable] a structure on which criminals are killed by hanging 绞刑架;绞台It was common to send a man to the gallows (= to send him to his death by hanging) for such crimes.在过去犯下这样的罪行通常要被送上绞刑架。 scaffold /ˈskæfəʊld; NAmE ˈskæfoʊld/ [countable] a platform used when executing criminals by cutting off their heads or hanging them from a rope 断头台;绞刑架He knew he was destined to die on the scaffold.他知道自己注定要被送上断头台。




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