

单词 impertinent
impertinent adj.


rude ♦︎ cheeky ♦︎ irreverent ♦︎ insolent ♦︎ disrespectful ♦︎ impolite ♦︎ impertinent ♦︎ churlish ♦︎ discourteousThese are all words for people showing a lack of respect for other people. 这些词均表示粗鲁的、无礼的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达无礼的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配rude / cheeky / disrespectful / impolite / discourteous to sbrude / impolite / impertinent / churlish to do sthvery rude / cheeky / impolite / impertinent / discourteous rude (disapproving) having or showing a lack of respect for other people and their feelings 粗鲁的;无礼的;粗野的He made a rude comment.他说了句无礼的话。She was very rude about my driving.她对我的驾驶技术横加指责。Why are you so rude to your mother?你为什么对你的母亲这么没礼貌?It's rude to speak when you're eating.吃东西的时候说话不礼貌。OPP polite polite rudely


They brushed rudely past us.他们粗暴无礼地与我们擦身而过。'What do you want?' she asked rudely.“你要干什么?”她粗鲁地问道。


[uncountable] She was critical to the point of rudeness.她挑剔得近乎无礼。I want to apologize for my rudeness the other day.我想为我那天的粗鲁行为道歉。 OPP politeness respect noun
cheeky (BrE, especially spoken, sometimes disapproving) (especially of children) rude in an amusing or annoying way (尤指孩子)调皮的,厚脸皮的,放肆的You cheeky monkey!你这厚脸皮的猴崽子!He's got a cheeky grin.他厚颜无耻地龇牙一笑。You're getting far too cheeky!你太放肆了! cheek


[uncountable, singular] (BrE, informal, usually disapproving) He had the cheek to ask his ex-girlfriend to babysit for them.他竟厚着脸皮要他以前的女朋友为他们临时照看小孩。I think they've got a cheek making you pay to park the car.我想不到他们居然有脸要你付停车费。


He grinned cheekily.他嘻皮笑脸。
irreverent / /ɪˈrevərənt/ / (often approving) not showing respect to sb/sth that other people usually respect 不敬的;不恭的He was famous for his irreverent wit.他敢于调侃是出了名的。She has an irreverent attitude to tradition.她不拿传统当回事。Irreverent is used especially to talk about public shows of disrespect by comedians, writers and broadcasters. * irreverent尤用于修饰喜剧演员、作家和节目主持人戏谑性的公开表演。 insolent / /ˈɪnsələnt/ / (rather formal, disapproving) very rude, especially to sb who is older or more important (尤指对年长者或地位高的人)粗野的,无礼的,侮慢的He was always an insolent child.他一直是个很傲慢的孩子。Insolent is used especially to talk about the behaviour of children towards adults. * insolent尤用于谈论孩子对成人的行为。 insolence


[uncountable] Her insolence cost her her job.她的蛮横态度使她丢了工作。


'Well?' he queried insolently.“那又怎么样?”他傲慢地质疑道。
disrespectful (rather formal, disapproving) showing a lack of respect for sb/sth 无礼的;失礼的;不敬的Some people said he had been disrespectful to the Queen in his last speech.有人说他在最近一次讲话中对女王不敬。 OPP respectful polite see also disrespect contempt impolite (rather formal, disapproving) not behaving in a pleasant way that follows the rules of society 不礼貌的;粗鲁的Some people think it is impolite to ask someone's age.有些人认为询问别人的年龄是不礼貌的。 Impolite is often used in the phrase It seems/would be impolite (to...). * impolite常用于短语It seems/would be impolite (to ...)Refusing to eat what was offered would be impolite.拒绝吃提供的食物是不礼貌的。 OPP polite polite impertinent /ɪmˈpɜːtɪnənt; NAmE ɪmˈpɜːrtnənt/ (rather formal, disapproving) not showing respect for sb who is older or more important (对年长者或地位高的人)粗鲁无礼的,不敬的Don't ask such impertinent questions!不要问这么无礼的问题! Impertinent is often used by people such as parents and teachers when they are telling children that they are angry with them for being rude. * impertinent常用于父母、老师等对孩子的粗鲁行为表示气愤时Don't be impertinent!不要无礼! impertinence


[uncountable, countable, usually singular] She had the impertinence to ask my age!她居然探问我的年龄,真没礼貌!
churlish (rather formal, disapproving) rude, bad-tempered or unfriendly 粗鲁无礼的;粗野的;脾气坏的It would be churlish to refuse such a generous offer.拒绝这样一个慷慨的提议未免失礼。Churlish is most often used in the phrase It would be/seems churlish to.... * churlish最常用于短语It would be/seems churlish to ...。 discourteous /dɪsˈkɜːtiəs; NAmE dɪsˈkɜːrtiəs/ (formal, disapproving) having bad manners and not showing respect 不礼貌的;失礼的;粗鲁的He didn't wish to appear discourteous.他不想显得没礼貌。 OPP courteous polite




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