

单词 arm
arm noun
department (the research arm of the Department of Transport) twist sb's arm press verb2
arm verb


department ♦︎ division ♦︎ branch ♦︎ unit ♦︎ arm ♦︎ wingThese are all words for a part of an organization. 这些词均表示组织里的部门。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an administrative department / division / branch / arma research department / division / unit / armthe finance / marketing department / division / arma political department / unit / arm / winga military unit / arm / winga regional department / division / branch / unit department [countable] a part of a large organization, especially a business, shop, university, government or hospital, that deals with one particular activity (企业或商店的)部门;(大学的)系;(政府的)部,司,局;(医院的)科I work in the sales department.我在销售部工作。The children's department sells a wide range of good quality clothes.儿童用品部售卖各式各样的优质服装。Several professors from the history department will also speak at the event.历史系有几位教授也将在这次活动上发言。The Department of Trade and Industry refused to comment on the allegations.工业贸易署拒绝对这些指控发表评论。 division [countable] a large and important part of an organization, especially a military one or a business (商业机构的)部门;(军队的)师The commander of the fourth infantry division defied orders.第四步兵师师长违抗命令。The company's sales division is going to be restructured.该公司的销售部将会重组。 branch [countable] a local office or shop belonging to a large company or organization (公司或机构的)分支,分部,分行The bank has branches all over the country.这家银行在全国各地设有支行。Our New York branch is dealing with the matter.我们的纽约分部正在处理此事。Some departments of a government or other organization may have a name which includes the word branch. * branch可能会用在政府或机构的部门名称中Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist branch swung into action.苏格兰场的反恐部门立即行动起来。 unit [countable] a department, especially in a hospital, that provides a particular kind of care or treatment; a part of a military organization (医院的)科,病区;(军队的)班组,小队She was taken to the intensive care unit.她被送进了重症监护室。The hospital's maternity unit is to be closed.该医院的妇产科即将关闭。Enemy units have infiltrated the territory.敌方小分队已经潜入这个地区。 see also unit army arm [countable, usually singular] (used especially in compounds 尤用于复合词) a department of an organization 分部;职能部门The report was published by the research arm of the Department of Transport.该报告是交通部的研究部门发表的。The bank plans to sell part of its US finance arm.该银行计划卖掉其设在美国的金融部门的部分业务。 wing [countable] one section of an organization, especially a political or military one, which has a particular function or whose members share the same opinions (尤指政治或军事机构中具有特殊职能或持相同观点的)派,翼The radical wing of the party was dissatisfied with the policies.该党的激进派对这些政策不满。


press the button 按下按钮press sb to make a decision 催促某人做决定press ♦︎ push ♦︎ pressure ♦︎ coerce ♦︎ pressurize ♦︎ twist sb's armThese words all mean to try hard to persuade or force sb to do sth that they do not want to do. 这些词均表示敦促、逼迫。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达逼迫的程度
twist sb's arm
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to press / push / pressure / coerce / pressurize sb into (doing) sthto press sb / push sb / pressure sb / coerce sb / pressurize sb / twist sb's arm to do sthto press / push sb for sth press [transitive] to try hard to persuade sb to do sth, especially sth they do not want to do 催促;敦促The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan.银行正在催我们偿还贷款。They are pressing us to make a quick decision.他们正催促我们尽快做决定。I did not press him further on the issue (= ask him more questions about it).关于这件事我没再逼问他。People often say that sb presses sb to say sth or to answer a question, for example a journalist trying hard to get an answer or some information from a politician, by questioning them repeatedly. * press常指逼问,如记者一再追问从政者When pressed by journalists, he refused to comment.被记者逼问时,他拒绝评论。 see also press for sth demand verb push [transitive] to try to persuade or encourage sb to do sth, especially sth they do not want to do 劝说;鼓励;敦促My teacher pushed me into entering the competition.我的老师劝我参加比赛。No one pushed you to take the job, did they?没有人强迫你接受这份工作,对不对?NOTE 辨析 Press or push?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用They were pressing / pushing the minister for a decision.他们正敦促部长做决定。However, press can be more forceful than push: you press people to do things that you want or need them to do; you might push sb to do sth that you think they would actually enjoy or benefit from. 但是,press比push语义更强,表示强迫别人做你想要他们做的事。push则可以表示敦促他人做你认为他们会喜欢或会从中受益的事情My teacher pressed me into entering the competition. pressure [transitive, often passive] (especially NAmE) to try to persuade or force sb to do sth, especially by making them feel that they have to or should do it 逼迫;使迫不得已Don't let yourself be pressured into making a hasty decision.不用勉强自己仓促做出决定。No one has the right to pressure you. You can always say no.没人有权逼你,你什么时候都可以说“不”。In British English the more usual word for this is pressurize; however, pressure is also used. 在英式英语中,较常用的词是pressurize,但是也用pressure。 coerce / /kəʊˈɜːs; NAmE koʊˈɜːrs/ [transitive] (rather formal) to force sb to do sth by using threats 强迫;胁迫;迫使They were coerced into negotiating a settlement.他们被迫通过谈判解决。She hadn't coerced him in any way.她没有以任何方式强迫他。 pressurize (BrE also pressurise) /ˈpreʃəraɪz/ / [transitive, often passive] (BrE) to pressure sb 逼迫;使迫不得已Stop trying to pressurize me!别再逼我了! twist sb's ˈarm


(informal) to try to persuade or force sb to do sth, often in a friendly way (常指友好地)劝说,强迫,生拉硬拽No one twisted my arm. I wanted to come.没人硬拽我,我自己想来的。


equip yourself with a map 为自己备一张地图equip students for a career in nursing 使学生胜任护理工作equip ♦︎ arm ♦︎ stock ♦︎ outfit ♦︎ fit sb/sth out ♦︎ provision ♦︎ kit sb/sth outThese words all mean to provide sb/sth/yourself with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity. 这些词均表示配备、装备。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to equip sb / sth / arm sb / stock sth / fit sb / sth out / provision sth / kit sb out with sthto equip / arm yourselfto equip / outfit / fit out / provision a shipto equip / arm soldiersto equip / provision an armyto be well equipped / armed / stocked / provisionedto be fully / properly / poorly equipped / armed / stocked equip / /ɪˈkwɪp/ / (-pp-) [transitive] (rather formal) to provide sb/sth/yourself with the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity 配备;装备She got a bank loan to rent and equip a small workshop.她向银行贷款,为成立一个小工作室租地方和买设备。He equipped himself with a street plan.他随身带着一张街道平面图。We travelled in a specially equipped medical jeep.我们乘坐一部有特别配置的医疗吉普车出行。The centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering.本中心备有齐全的皮划艇和登山运动设施。 arm [transitive, intransitive] to provide weapons for sb/yourself in order to fight a battle or war 武装;装备;备战The crowd armed themselves with sticks and stones.人群以棍棒和石头作为武器。The country was arming against the enemy.这个国家正在备战迎敌。 see also arms weapon stock [transitive, often passive] to fill sth with food, books, plants, fish, etc. 贮备,贮存(食物、书籍、植物、鱼等)The pond was well stocked with fish.池塘里养了好多鱼。The college has a well-stocked library.这个学校的图书馆藏书甚丰。Stocked and well stocked are typically used to describe a garden or pond, a shop or library, or a place in the home where food is kept, such as a fridge. * stocked和well stocked一般用于描述花园、池塘、商店、图书馆,或冰箱等家中贮存食物之处。 see also stock supply noun outfit / /ˈaʊtfɪt/ / (-tt-) [transitive, often passive] (especially NAmE) to supply sb/sth with equipment or clothes for a special purpose 装备;(为⋯)配置设备,供给服装The ship was outfitted with a 12-bed hospital.这艘船上配置了一个有12个床位的医疗室。They had enough swords and suits of armour to outfit an army.他们有足以装备一支军队的利剑和盔甲。Outfit is often used to talk about providing equipment for a ship, or for soldiers or sportspeople. * outfit常指为船只、士兵或运动员提供装备。 ˌfit sb/sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(-tt-) [often passive] (BrE) to supply sb/sth with all the equipment they need 向⋯提供所需的装备It was their job to fit out ships before long voyages.他们的工作是给远航轮船供给必需品。The room has been fitted out with a stove and a sink.房间装有炉子和洗涤槽。People usually fit out rooms, houses and vehicles. * fit out通常后接room、house和vehicle。
provision / /prəˈvɪʒn/ / [transitive, often passive] (formal) to supply sb/sth with enough of sth, especially food, to last for a particular period of time 为⋯提供充足物资(尤指食品)The main business of the port is to provision passing ocean liners.港口的主要业务是为过往海轮供应食品。Provision is usually used to talk about supplying food for ships, but it can also be used to talk about supplying food to a city, an army or some other group of people. * provision通常指为船只供应食品,但也可以指为城市、军队或其他群体供应食品。 see also provisions supplies noun ˌkit sb/sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(-tt-) [usually passive] (BrE, rather informal) to give sb/sth the correct clothes and/or equipment for a particular activity (为特定活动)使⋯装备起来They were all kitted out in brand new ski outfits.他们都一身全新的滑雪装备。The London studio is lavishly kitted out with six cameras.伦敦演播室配置豪华,共有六部摄像机。You kit sb/sth out with equipment, and you kit sb out in particular clothes. 表示“配置设备”用kit sb/sth out with,表示“提供某人服装”用kit sb out in。




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