

单词 breed
breed verb
keep4 (breed horses) produce (rabbits breed)


Where do you keep the sugar? 你把糖放哪儿了?I've kept all her letters. 我保留着她的所有来信。keep a diary 记日记keep chickens/bees 养鸡;养蜜蜂keep a promise/an appointment 遵守承诺;按时赴约continue2Keep smiling!hold sb/sth upYou're an hour late-what kept you?maintain1keep sth goingpersistkeep goingkeep ♦︎ breed ♦︎ rear ♦︎ raiseThese words all mean to own and care for animals. 这些词均表示饲养。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to keep / breed / rear sth for sthto keep / breed / rear / raise animals / cattle / horses / sheepto keep / breed / raise chickensto keep / breed / rear / raise sth in captivity keep (kept, kept) [transitive] to own and care for animals, especially at home or on a small scale (尤指在家中或小规模地)养,饲养Residents are not allowed to keep pets.禁止居民养宠物。to keep bees / goats养蜜蜂;养山羊 breed (bred, bred) [transitive] to keep animals or plants in order to produce new young animals or plants in a controlled way 饲养,培育(新品种)Greyhounds were originally bred as hunting dogs.灵𤟥起初是被当作猎狗来饲养的。 see also breed produce rear /rɪə(r); NAmE rɪr/ [transitive] to breed or keep animals or birds, for example on a farm 饲养,养殖(动物或鸟)The young crocodiles were reared indoors at a constant temperature of 32°C.小鳄鱼在恒温32摄氏度的室内饲养。 see also rear bring sb up raise [transitive] to keep particular farm animals or grow particular crops in order to sell or make other use of them 饲养;培育;种植Farmers cleared the land in order to raise cattle.农民清理出土地来养牛。 see also raise bring sb up NOTE 辨析 Rear or raise? Raise is more frequent than rear in American English. There is also a slight difference in emphasis: rear is often used when emphasizing information about the animals' treatment and living conditions; raise is often used when talking about an animal or crop as a product, for example in farming. 在美式英语中raise比rear更常用。这两个词的侧重点也有细微差别:强调对待动物的方式和动物的生存条件时常用rear,把动物或作物当作农业经营的产出来看待时则用raise。


produce ♦︎ have ♦︎ give birth ♦︎ breed ♦︎ clone ♦︎ reproduce ♦︎ bearThese words all mean to grow sth as part of a natural process, or to have a baby or young animal. 这些词均表示长出、出产、繁育。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to produce / breed / clone sth from sthto produce / have / give birth to / bear a / an child / son / daughter / heirto produce / have / give birth to a baby / litterto breed / clone animalsto produce / bear fruitto produce sth / breed / clone sth / reproduce successfully produce [transitive] (rather formal) to grow or make sth as part of a natural process; to have a baby or young animal 长出;出产;繁育The fruit and vegetables are all produced locally.水果和蔬菜都是当地产的。These shrubs produce bright red berries.这些灌木结鲜红的浆果。Our cat produced a litter of kittens last week.上星期我们的猫生了一窝小猫。Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne.她的任务就是生育王位继承人。When it is used to talk about having a baby, produce suggests a lack of emotion in the speaker. It is used especially when people are talking about having a son who will inherit an important position. 用produce表示生育时,意味着说话人缺乏情感,尤指生育某一重要位置的继承人。 have (has, had, had) [transitive] to produce a baby or young animal 生,生产(小孩或小动物)She's going to have a baby.她快生孩子了。Our cat has just had five kittens.我们的猫刚刚生了五只小猫。 give ˈbirth


(gave, given) (rather formal) to produce a baby or young animal 生,生产(小孩或小动物)She died shortly after giving birth.她产后不久就去世了。Mary has given birth to a healthy baby girl.玛丽刚生了一个健康的女婴。NOTE 辨析 Have or give birth? Have is the most usual verb to use when a woman or animal produces a baby or young animals; it can be used in a general way about the process of being pregnant and then giving birth. Give birth is used to talk about the actual act of making a baby come out of your body. 表示女人或动物产子,最常用的动词是have,可以统指整个怀孕和生产的过程。give birth指分娩She's going to have a baby (= she is pregnant).她快生孩子了。She is about to give birth (= the baby is in the process of being born).她即将临产。She died shortly after giving birth (= within a few hours of the baby being born).她分娩完没几个小时就去世了。She died shortly after having a baby (= within a few days or weeks).她生完孩子没多少日子就去世了。
breed (bred, bred) [intransitive, transitive](of animals) to have sex and produce young; to keep animals in order to produce young ones in a controlled way (动物)交配繁殖;饲养Many animals breed only at certain times of the year.许多动物一年中仅在某些时候交配繁殖。The rabbits are bred for their long coats.饲养兔子是为了获取它们长长的皮毛。 see also breed keep 4 clone [transitive] (technical 术语) to produce an exact copy of an animal or plant from its cells (以无性繁殖技术)复制;克隆A team from the UK were the first to successfully clone an animal.一个英国的研究团队首次成功地克隆了动物。They produced Dolly, the cloned sheep.他们复制出了多利,即那只克隆羊。 reproduce /ˌriːprəˈdjuːs; NAmE ˌriːprəˈduːs/ [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal or technical 术语) (of animals, plants or cells) to produce new animals, plants or cells (动物、植物或细胞)繁殖,生育Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land.大部分爬行动物在陆地产卵繁殖。These cells reproduce themselves every twenty minutes.这些细胞每二十分钟自我繁殖一次。 reproduction


[uncountable] sexual reproduction有性生殖
bear (bore, borne) [transitive] (formal or literary) to give birth to a child; to produce flowers or fruit 生(孩子);开(花);结(果实)She was not able to bear children.她不能生育。She had borne him six sons.她为他生了六个儿子。These trees take a long time to bear fruit.这些树要很长时间才结果实。




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