

单词 bump
bump verb
bang2 (bump your head) hit1 (bump into sth) shake2 (The jeep bumped along.)
bump noun


The door banged shut. 门砰的一声关上了。bang your head 撞到头bang ♦︎ knock ♦︎ hit ♦︎ crack ♦︎ bumpThese words all mean to accidentally hit sth, especially a part of the body, against sth. 这些词均表示无意间碰撞、磕碰,尤指撞到身体部位。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to bang / knock / hit / crack / bump your head / knee, etc. on / against sthto bang / knock / hit / crack / bump your head / foreheadto bang / knock / hit / bump your arm / knee / elbow bang [transitive] to accidentally hit a part of your body against sth, especially when this is painful 碰撞,磕(尤指引起痛楚)He banged his head as he tried to stand up.他想要站起来时撞到了头。She tripped and banged her knee on the desk.她绊了一跤,膝盖磕在桌子上。 see also bang hit 1 knock [transitive, intransitive] to accidentally hit sth, especially a part of the body, against sth 撞;碰;撞到⋯上He fell and knocked his head on the path.他在小路上摔了一跤,头撞到了地上。Her hand knocked against the glass.她的手碰了玻璃杯。 see also knock hit 1 hit (hitting, hit, hit) [transitive] to accidentally knock a part of your body against sth 使(身体部位)碰到He fell, hitting his head on the hard stone floor.他摔倒了,头撞在坚硬的石头地面上。 see also hit hit 1 2 crack [transitive] to accidentally hit a part of your body, especially your head, against sth in a painful way 使(身体部位,尤指头)猛撞He stood up suddenly, cracking his head on the low ceiling.他猛地站起身,头撞上了低矮的天花板。 bump [transitive] to accidentally hit a part of your body against sth 使(身体部位)碰,撞Toddlers are always falling over and bumping their heads.学步的幼儿总是跌倒并撞到头。 see also bump hit 1 NOTE 辨析 Which word?These words are all used in very similar ways. Bang is the most frequent word used when talking about hitting a part of the body, especially when this is painful. Knock and hit are more general and can be used for a hard, painful hit, or a gentle one. Crack is used especially when you hit your head. Bump is used especially without a preposition; bang can also be used in this way but the other words cannot. 这些词用法很相近。表示撞到身体部位,尤其是撞得很疼时,bang是最常用的词。knock和hit比较笼统,既可以表示撞得很重、很疼,也可以表示轻轻一碰。crack尤用于表示撞到头。bump一般不与介词连用,bang也可以不与介词连用,但其他词须与介词连用Toddlers are always falling over and knocking/hitting/cracking their heads.


hit by a car 被车撞到hit sb over the head 击某人头部be badly hit by the recession 遭受经济衰退的沉重打击hit ♦︎ knock ♦︎ bang ♦︎ strike ♦︎ bump ♦︎ bashThese words all mean to come against sth with a lot of force. 这些词均表示碰撞、撞击。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to hit / knock / bang / bump / bash against sb / sthto knock / bang / bump / bash into sb / sthto hit / strike the ground / floor / wall hit (hitting, hit, hit) [transitive, intransitive] to come against sth with force, especially causing damage or injury; to bring a bat, etc. against a ball and push it away with force 碰撞,撞击(尤指造成损伤);击(球)The boy was hit by a speeding car.这个男孩被超速行驶的轿车撞了。The grenade will explode as soon as it hits the ground.手榴弹一撞到地面就会爆炸。The boat hit against an object under the surface of the water.船撞到了水下的一样东西。She hit the ball too hard and it went out of the court.她用力过猛,把球打到了场外。OPP miss To miss sb/sth is to fail to hit them. * miss指没有击中The bullet missed her by about six inches.子弹从她身边飞过,离她大约只有6英寸。She threw a plate at him and narrowly missed hitting him.她拿一个盘子向他扔过去,差点就打着他了。 see also hit bang verb 2 hit


[countable] The bomber scored a direct hit on the bridge.轰炸机直接命中,炸毁了那座桥。We finished the first round with a score of two hits and six misses.我们在第一轮结束时的分数是两次击中,六次未中。
knock [transitive] to hit sth so that it moves or breaks; to put sb/sth into a particular state or position by hitting them/it 打掉;打破;把⋯撞击成(某种状态)Someone had knocked a hole in the wall.有人在墙上凿了个洞。The two rooms had been knocked into one.两个房间打通了。They had to knock the door down to get into the apartment.他们不得已把门撞开才进了那套公寓。I accidentally knocked over his drink.我不小心打翻了他的饮料。The blow knocked him senseless (= he became unconscious).这一拳打得他不省人事。 see also knock knock verb , knock bang verb 2 knock


[countable] Knocks and scratches will lower the value of antique furniture.磕碰和划痕会降低古董家具的价值。
bang [transitive, intransitive] to hit sth in a way that makes a loud noise 猛敲;砸The baby was banging the table with his spoon.宝宝用调羹敲打着桌子。She banged on the door angrily.她愤怒地砰砰砸门。A branch banged against the window.一根树枝砸在窗户上。 see also bang bang verb 1 2 strike (struck, struck; NAmE also struck, stricken) [transitive] (formal) to hit sb/sth hard 撞;碰;撞击The ship struck a rock.船触礁了。The stone struck him on the forehead.石头击中了他的额头。The old tree had been struck by lightning.那棵老树遭到雷击。 bump [intransitive, transitive] to hit sb/sth accidentally (意外地)碰到,撞到In the darkness I bumped into a chair.黑暗中我撞上了一把椅子。The car bumped against the kerb.汽车撞上了路缘。Their boat came up alongside, bumping the side of ours.他们的船从旁边开过来,撞到了我们的船舷。 see also bump bang verb 2 bump


[countable] He fell to the ground with a bump.他砰地一声摔倒在地上。
bash [intransitive, transitive] (informal) to hit against sth very hard 狠击;猛撞I braked too late, bashing into the car in front.我刹车太晚,撞到了前面的车。He stood up, bashing his head on the low ceiling.他站起来,头撞上了低矮的天花板。


shake your head/shake hands 摇头;握手The ground shook./Shake the bottle. 地面颤动了;把瓶子摇晃一下。shaking with fear 吓得发抖badly shaken by the news 听到消息大为震惊shake ♦︎ rattle ♦︎ vibrate ♦︎ clatter ♦︎ wobble ♦︎ shudder ♦︎ jolt ♦︎ rock ♦︎ jiggle ♦︎ jar ♦︎ bumpThese words all mean to move or to make sth move with very short quick movements from side to side or up and down. 这些词均表示振动、摇动、晃动。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to shake / rattle / vibrate / shudder / rock / jar with sthto rattle / clatter / shudder / jolt / bump alongto rattle / clatter / wobble / jiggle / bump around / aboutto shake / rattle / vibrate / shudder / rock (sth) violentlyto shake / vibrate / rock / bump (sth) gentlyto shake / shudder / rock (sth) suddenly shake (shook, shaken) [intransitive, transitive] to move or to make sb/sth move with short quick movements from side to side or up and down; to move sth in a particular direction by shaking 颤动;摇动;抖动;摇(出);抖(出)The whole house shakes whenever a train goes past.每当火车驶过时,整座房子就颤动起来。Shake the bottle well before use.使用前把瓶内物充分摇匀。He shook her violently by the shoulders.他抓住她的肩膀使劲摇晃。Tom bent down to shake a pebble out of his shoe.汤姆弯下腰,把鞋里的一粒石子抖出来。 shake


[countable, usually singular] Give the bottle a good shake.把瓶子使劲摇一摇。
rattle [intransitive, transitive] to make a series of short loud sounds when hitting against sth hard; to make sth do this; (of a vehicle) to make a series of short loud sounds as it moves somewhere 发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音;使发出咔嗒声;(车辆)发出连续短促的响声Every time a bus went past, the windows rattled.每当公共汽车经过这里,窗户都格格作响。She stood there, rattling the collecting tin.她站在那儿,把存钱罐弄得咔咔作响。A convoy of trucks rattled past.一队卡车隆隆地驶过。 rattle ( rattling)


[countable, usually singular] the rattle of gunfire轰隆轰隆的炮火声From the kitchen came a rattling of cups and saucers.厨房里传来杯盘相碰的叮当声。
vibrate /vaɪˈbreɪt, NAmE usually ˈvaɪbreɪt/ [intransitive, transitive] to move or make sth move from side to side with extremely small movements and extremely quickly 震动;颤动;使颤动The ground beneath their feet began to vibrate.他们脚下的地面开始震动。The male spider will vibrate one of the threads of the female spider's web.雄蜘蛛会拨动雌蜘蛛网的其中一根蛛丝。 vibration


[countable, uncountable] We could feel the vibrations from the trucks passing outside.我们可以感觉到外面卡车经过时的颤动。Is it possible to reduce the level of vibration in the engine?能够降低发动机震动的程度吗?
clatter [intransitive](of hard objects) to knock together and make a loud noise; to move making a loud noise like hard objects knocking together (硬物相碰)发出碰撞声;哐当哐当地移动He dropped the knife and it clattered on the stone floor.他一失手,刀子当啷一声掉到石地板上。The cart clattered over the cobbles.手推车哐当哐当地走在卵石路上。 clatter ( clattering)


[singular] the clatter of horses' hooves嗒嗒的马蹄声
wobble [intransitive, transitive] to move or make sth move from side to side in an unsteady way 摇摆;摇晃This chair wobbles.这把椅子摇晃。The vase wobbled and then crashed to the ground.花瓶摇摆了一下,然后哗啦一声摔到地上。Don't wobble the table-I'm trying to work.别摇晃桌子-我在工作呢。 shudder [intransitive](especially of a vehicle or machine) to shake very hard (尤指车辆或机器)强烈震动,剧烈抖动The boat's engines shuddered, and it began to leave the shore.发动机剧烈震动了一下,那条船便离岸而去。The bus shuddered to a halt.公共汽车剧烈抖动着停了下来。 shudder


[countable, usually singular] The elevator rose with a shudder.电梯猛震一下,升了上去。
jolt /dʒəʊlt; NAmE dʒoʊlt/ [intransitive, transitive] to move or to make sb/sth move suddenly and roughly 震动;摇动;颠簸The truck jolted and rattled over the rough ground.卡车在凹凸不平的地面上嘎吱嘎吱地颠簸而行。He was jolted forward as the train moved off.火车开动时他猛然向前晃了一下。 jolt


[countable, usually singular] The plane landed with a jolt.飞机着陆时颠簸了一下。
rock [intransitive, transitive] (rather informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to shake or make sth shake violently 剧烈摇摆;猛烈晃动The whole house rocked when the bomb exploded.炸弹爆炸时,整座房子都猛烈晃动起来。The town was rocked by an earthquake.小镇受到地震的剧烈震动。The raft was rocked by a huge wave.橡皮艇随着巨浪剧烈摇摆。 jiggle [intransitive, transitive] (informal) to move up and down or from side to side with short quick movements; to make sth small and light do this 使上下急动;左右摇摆;抖动Stop jiggling around!别晃来晃去的!She jiggled with the lock.她把锁来回摇晃。He stood jiggling his car keys in his hand.他站在那儿,手里摆弄着汽车钥匙。 jar (-rr-) [transitive, intransitive] to give or receive a sudden painful knock 撞疼;受震动而疼痛The jolt seemed to jar every bone in her body.那震动似乎把她浑身上下每根骨头都弄疼了。The spade jarred on something metal.铁锹撞在什么金属物件上。 bump [intransitive, transitive] to move across a rough surface in a particular direction, in a way that is not smooth; to make sth move in this way 颠簸行进;颠簸拖曳The jeep bumped along the dirt track.吉普车在土路上颠簸行驶。She entered the subway, bumping her bags down the step.进地铁站时她把行李颠簸着拖下台阶。
tumour (BrE) (NAmE tumor)


tumour ♦︎ ulcer ♦︎ sore ♦︎ swelling ♦︎ inflammation ♦︎ blister ♦︎ lump ♦︎ bump ♦︎ abscess ♦︎ boilThese are all words for places on the skin or inside the body that are unhealthy and bigger than usual as a result of illness or injury. 这些词均表示肿瘤、肿块、溃疡、疮。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a tumour / an ulcer / sores / a swelling / a blister / a lump / an abscess / a boil on a part of the bodya tumour / sores / a swelling / inflammation / a lump / an abscess in a part of the body(a) painful ulcers / sores / swelling / inflammation / blisters / lump / abscess / boilto have a tumour / an ulcer / a sore / a swelling / inflammation / a blister / a lump / a bump / an abscess / a boilto develop a tumour / an ulcer / a blister / an abscessto get an ulcer / sores / a blister / a bump / a boilto treat a tumour / an ulcer / a boila tumour / an ulcer / a blister / an abscess forms / developsan ulcer / a blister / an abscess / a boil bursts tumour (BrE) (NAmE tumor) / /ˈtjuːmə(r); NAmE ˈtuːmər/ [countable] a mass of cells growing in or on a part of the body where they should not, usually causing medical problems 瘤;肿瘤;肿块He has a malignant (= harmful) brain tumour.他患有恶性脑瘤。They were relieved to hear that the tumour was benign (= not dangerous).听说是良性肿瘤,他们松了一口气。 ulcer /ˈʌlsə(r)/ / [countable] a painful area on the outside of the body or on the surface of an organ inside the body, which may bleed or produce a poisonous substance 溃疡a stomach ulcer胃溃疡 (BrE) a mouth ulcer口腔溃疡In American English a mouth ulcer is called a canker sore. 在美式英语中,mouth ulcer称作canker sore。 sore [countable] a painful, often red, place on the body where there is a wound or infection (外伤或感染引起的)疮,溃疡The illness left them with open sores all over their backs.这种病让他们的背上全是开放性溃疡。A cold sore is a painful spot on the lips or inside the mouth that is caused by a virus. A canker sore is the American English word for a mouth ulcer, and is not caused by a virus. * cold sore指病毒引起的唇疱疹。canker sore则是美式英语中口腔溃疡的说法,不是由病毒引起的。 see also sore painful adj. 1 swelling [uncountable, countable] the condition of being swollen (= larger or rounder than normal); a place on your body that has become swollen because of illness or injury (因病或因伤导致的)肿胀;肿胀处;浮肿处Use ice to reduce the swelling.用冰敷消肿。The fall left her with a painful swelling above her eye.她摔了一跤,眼睛上方磕了个包,疼得很。 see also swell swell inflammation / /ˌɪnfləˈmeɪʃn/ / [uncountable, countable] a condition in which a part of the body becomes red, painful and swollen because of infection or injury (感染或受伤引起的)发炎,炎症The doctor's notes recorded inflammation of the ear.病历上写着耳朵发炎。 see also inflamed painful adj. 1 blister [countable] a small, round, raised area of the skin that has become filled with liquid and is caused, for example, by rubbing or burning (皮肤上因摩擦或被烫等造成的)水疱,疱He'd got blisters on his feet from running.他的脚因为跑步起了水疱。 lump [countable] a swelling under the skin, sometimes a sign of serious illness (皮下的)肿块,隆起He was unhurt except for a lump on his head.除了头上起了个包,他没有别的伤。Check your breasts for lumps every month.每月要检查一次乳房是否有肿块。 bump [countable] (rather informal) a swelling on the body, often the head, where you have been hit by sth (常指头部因碰撞所致的)肿块She was covered in bumps and bruises.她全身都是肿块和瘀伤。 abscess / /ˈæbses/ / [countable] a swollen and infected area under the skin or in the body, full of a thick yellowish liquid (= pus) 脓肿He had a painful abscess on his gum.他的牙龈脓肿疼痛。 boil [countable] a swollen and infected area under the skin which is full of a thick yellowish liquid (= pus) 疖;皮下脓肿;黄水疮The boil on his back was painful.他背部的黄水疮让他很痛苦。NOTE 辨析 Abscess or boil?A boil is always just under the skin on the surface of the body, and is usually less serious than an abscess, which can be deeper within the body and will usually need treatment by a doctor. * boil总是就在身体表皮之下,通常不如abscess严重,后者可能是在体内更深处,通常需医生治疗。




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