

add up to sth adequate adhere to adhere to sth adjourn
adjudicate adjust adjustable adjustment administer
administration administrator admirable admiration admire
admirer admiring admission admit adolescence
adolescent adopt adorable adore adoring
adorn adulation adult advance advanced
advancement advances advantage advantageous advent
adventurer adventurous adversary adverse adversity
advert advertise advertisement advice advisable
advise adviser advocate aeon aerobics
affair affect affectation affection affectionate
affiliation affinity affirm affirmative action affluence
affluent affordable aficionado a foregone conclusion afraid
african american afternoon again against against sb
against sb/sth against sth age aged age group
ageism agency agenda agent ages
aggravate aggression aggressive aggrieved agitate
agitated agitation agonize agonizing agony
a good bet agree agreement aid aid and abet
aide ailing ailment aim air
airless airs airspace airy aisle
alarm alarmed alarming alcohol alert
alert sb to sth alert to alert to sth alias alien
alienate alienation alight align alike
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